Amiga® Hardware Reference Manual: Index

          Misc.       Note: Numbers will refer to page numbers in
           A                the `Amiga® Hardware Reference Manual'
           B                3rd edition, ISBN 0-201-56776-8
        E F G H   
         I J K    
        L M N O   
          R S     
       T U V W Z  

Numbers Index

$00C00000, 5 
60 Pin Edge Connector, 321 
68000, --> 
68010, 1 
68020, 1 , 187 
68030, 1 
680x0, --> 
8361, 5 
8370, 5 
8371, 5 
8372A, 5 
8520, --> 
86 Pin Edge Connector, 322 

68000 Index

68000, 2 , 187 
  normal cycle, 196 
  test-and-set instruction, 196 

680x0 Index

680x0, 19 , 25 , 35 , 194 , 223 
  instead of Copper, 35 
  interrupting, 35 , 217 
  shared memory, 4 
  synchronizing with the video beam, 216 

8520 Index

8520, 157 , 223 , 241 , 244 , 251 , 339 
  alarm, 344 
  handshaking, 341 
  input modes, 343 
  interval timers, 341 
    continuous, 342 
    force load, 342 
    one-shot, 342 
    PB on/off, 342 
    start/stop, 342 
    Toggle/pulse, 342 
  I/O ports, 341 
  read bit names, 343 
  register map, 340 
  signal assignments, 337 
  time-of-day clock, 344 
  write bit names, 343 

A Index

A1000, --> 
A2000, 1 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 7 , 63 , 157 , 238 , 260 
A3000, --> 
A500, 1 , 5 , 7 , 63 , 157 , 238 , 260 
Address Registers, 10 
ADKCON, --> 
Agnus, --> 
Alarm, 344 
Aliasing, audio, 154 
AllocMem(), 52 
Amiga OS, 9 
Amplitude Modulation, 4 
Animated Objects, 6 
Animation, 176 
Apple II, 241 
Area Fill, 4 , 184 
ATTACH, 120 
Attachment - audio, 150 , sprites, 120 
Audio, --> 
Audio Channel, 19 
AUDx, 220 
AUDxEN, 144 , 222 
AUDxLCH, 138 , 298 
AUDxLCL, 138 
AUDxLEN, 139 
AUDxPER, 143 , 298 
AUDxVOL, 139 
AUTOCONFIG, 7 , 223 , 431 

A1000 Index

A1000, 1 , 5 , 7 , 63 , 64 , 238 , 260 
  expansion port, 321 

A3000 Index

A3000, 1 , 6 , 7 , 7 , 260 
  expansion bus, 383 


ADKCON, 241 , 250 , 256 
  disk control bits, 249 
  in audio, 149-150 

Agnus Index

Agnus, 2 , 5 , 164-165 , 169 
  ECS fat Agnus, 295 
  fat agnus, 187 

Audio Index

Audio, 4 , 9 , 20 
  aliasing distortion, 154 
  amplitude modulation, 4 
  channels - attaching, 149 , 164 , choosing, 137 
  data, 137 
  data length registers, 139 
  data location registers, 138 , 139 
  data output rate, 140 
  decibel values, 140 , 163 
  DMA, 138 , 144 , 147 , 164 
  equal-tempered scale, 158 
  frequency modulation, 4 
  in ECS, 310 
  interrupts, 147 , 220 
  joining tones, 147 
  low-pass filter, 154 
  modulation, 164 
    amplitude, 149 
    frequency, 149 
  noise reduction, 154 
  non-DMA output, 157 
  period, 140 
  period register, 143 
  playing multiple tones, 149 
  producing a steady tone, 145 
  sampling period, 141 
  sampling rate, 141 , 152 , 156 , 164 
  state machine, 164 
  stopping, 145 
  system overhead, 153 
  volume, 139 , 163 
  volume registers, 139 
  waveform transitions, 152 

B Index

Background color, 46 
Barrel Shifter, 179 
BBUSY, 222 
Beam comparator, 124 
Beam position, --> 
Beam position counter, 216 
BEAMCON0, 298 , 305 
Bitplanes, --> 
Blitter, --> 
Blitter Busy, 186 
Blitter registers - in line-drawing mode, 189 
Blitter shifting, 179 
BLTAxWM, 180 
BLTCON0, --> 
BLTCON0L, 298 
BLTCON1, --> 
BLTEN, 222 
BLTPRI, 222 
BLTSIZE, 169 , 171-173 , 186-187 , 191 , 308 
BLTSIZV, 298 , 308 
BLTxDAT, 170 
BLTxMOD, 172 
BLTxPTH, 170 , 298 
BLTxPTL, 170 
BPL1MOD, 62 , 64 
BPL2MOD, 62 , 64 
BPLCON0, --> 
BPLCON1 - setting scrolling delay, 85 
BPLCON2, --> 
BPLCON3, 298 
BPLCONx, 90 , 307 
BPLEN, 222 
BPLxMOD, 84 , 91 
BPLxPT, 91 
BPLxPTH, 52 , 54 , 61 , 74 
BPLxPTL, 52 , 54 , 61 , 74 
BPUx, 48 , 87 , 90 
Bridgeboard, 7 
BZERO, 222 

Beam position Index

Beam position
  comparison enable bits, 24 
  detection of, 216 
  in Copper use, 31 
  registers, 216 
  vertical, 23 , 24 

Bitplanes Index

  coloring, 55 
  DMA, 62 
  in dual-playfield mode, 68 
  setting the number of, 48 
  setting the pointers, 54 

Blitter Index

Blitter, 4 , 6 , 9 , 19 
  address scanning, 173 
  addressing, 170 
  animation, 176 
  area fill, 4 , 184 
  area filling - exclusive, 184 , inclusive, 184 
  blit time, 193 
  blitter done flag, 186 
  blitter-finished disable bit (BFD), 35 
  blitter-nasty bit, 198 
  block transfers, 171 , 183 
  BLTSIZE, 187 
  bus sharing, 194 
  clock, 193 
  cookie-cut, 176 , 181 , 183 
  copying, 169 , 183 
  cycle time, 193 
  data fetch, 170 
  data overlap, 182 
  descending mode, 182-183 
  DisownBlitter(), 187 
  DMA enable, 181 , 184 , 187 
  DMA priority, 194 
  DMA time slots, 194 
  equation-to-minterm conversion, 175 
  example, 200 
  FILL_CARRYIN bit, 185 
  height, 171 
  immediate data, 170 , 182 
  in ECS, 296 
  interrupts, 187 , 220 
  LF control byte, 174 
  line drawing, 4 
    logic function, 191 
    octants, 190 
    registers, 189 
  line drawing mode, 189 
  line texture, 191 
  linear data, 173 
  logic equations, 175 
  logic operations, 174 
  masking, 181 , 183-184 
  minterms, 175 
  modulo, 172 
  modulo registers, 172 
  octants, 189 
  OwnBlitter(), 187 
  packed font, 180 
  pipelined, 188 
  pointer registers, 170 
  sequence of bus cycles, 188 
  shifting, 182 , 183 
  size of blit, 171 
  starting operation, 169 
  text, 180 
  truth-table, 174 
  Venn Diagrams, 178 
  WaitBlit(), 187 
  width, 171 
  with the Copper, 35 
  zero detection, 187 


BLTCON0, 182 
  DMA enable, 170 
  in line drawing, 189 , 191 
  in logic operations, 174 
  in shift control, 179 


BLTCON1, 182 , 189 , 298 
  in area fill, 184 
  in blitter addressing, 182 
  in line drawing, 189-191 
  in shift control, 179 


BPLCON0, 87 , 229 , 298 , 300 
  enabling color, 63 
  in dual-playfield mode, 72 
  in hold-and-modify mode, 87 
  in interlacing, 51 
  in resolution mode, 49 
  in the Enhanced Chip Set, 300 
  selecting bitplanes, 48 
  setting bits, 48 
  with light pen, 239 


BPLCON2, 72 , 210 , 298 
  in dual-playfield priority, 71 

C Index

Cache, 187 , 388 
CDANG, 26 
Chip Memory, 5-6 , 20 , 105 , 138 , 169 , 170 , 186 , 223 , 246 , 296 
CIA, 9 , 157 , 241 , 251 , 339 
CIAA - address map, 339 
CIAB - address map, 340 
CIABPRB - disk, 244 
Clock, --> 
Clock Constant, 141 , 159 
Clock cycle, 4 
Clock Interval, 141 
CLXCON, 215 
CLXDAT, 214 
CNT, 251 
Collision, --> 
Collision Detection, 4 
Color, --> 
Color Clock, 60 , 194 , 255 , 304 
Color Palette, 3 , 19 
Color Registers, 3 
Color registers, --> 
Color selection, --> 
COLOR00, 46 , 55 
COLORx, 10 , 27 , 28 , 46 , 70-71 , 87 
Comparator, 124 
Composite Video, 7 
Control Register, --> 
Controller Port, --> 
Controllers, --> 
COP1LC, 25 , 30 , 32 , 32 , 35 
COP1LCH, 25 , 298 
COP1LCL, 25 
COP2LC, 25 , 26 , 32 
COP2LCH, 25 , 298 
COP2LCL, 25 
COPCON, 26 , 298 
COPEN, 30 , 35 , 222 
COPJMP1, 26 
COPJMP2, 26 
Copper, --> 
Coprocessor -  19 , see  Copper 
Copying data, 169 
CP/M, 241 
Custom Chips, --> 


CIAAPRA, 229 , 232 , 233 , 241 , 241 
  disk, 244 

Clock Index

Clock, 260 
  8520, 344 
  alarm, 344 
  audio, 140 , 141 , 142 , 159 , 164 
  blitter, 193 , 194 
  color, 194 , 255 
  keyboard, 251 
  system, 2 , 193 

Collision Index

Collision, 213 
  control register, 215 
  detection register, 214 

Color Index

  attached sprites, 122 
  background color, 46 
  color indirection, 42 
  color table, 46 
  enabling, 63 
  in dual-playfield mode, 70 
  in hold-and-modify mode, 86 
  in SuperHires mode, 301 
  in the Enhanced Chip Set, 301 
  sample register contents, 92 
  sprites, 102 

Color registers Index

Color registers
  contents, 46 
  loading, 47 
  names of registers, 46 
  sprites, 130 

Color selection Index

Color selection
  in high resolution mode, 94 
  in hold-and-modify mode, 95 
  in low resolution mode, 93 

Control register Index

Control Register, 348 
  register A, 348 
    bitmap, 349 
  register B, 349 
    bitmap, 350 

Controller Port Index

Controller Port
  connection chart, 228 
  joystick, 232 
  mouse, 229 
  output to, 240 
  registers, 229 
  trackball, 229 

Controllers Index

  light pen, 238 
  potentiometers, 236 
  proportional - registers, 236 
  special, 241 
  types, 6 

Copper Index

Copper, 9 , 19 , 45 , 54 , 62 , 64 , 65 , 80 , 81 , 82 , 110 , 122 , 194 ,
        197 , 216 , 219 
  affecting registers, 26 
  at reset, 30 
  bus cycles used, 20 
  comparison enable, 32 
  control register, 26 
  danger bit (CDANG), 26 
  DMA, 30 , 30 
  features, 19 
  horizontal beam position, 23 
  in interlaced mode, 34 
  in memory operations, 20 
  in vertical blanking interrupts, 219 
  instruction fetch, 25 
  instruction lists, 26 , 28 
    description, 20 
    ordering, 27 
    summary, 36 
  interrupt, 219 
  interrupting the 680x0, 35 
  jump, 25 
  jump strobe addresses, 26 
  location registers, 25 , 30 , 32 
  loops and branches, 32 
  memory cycles, 22 
  MOVE instruction, 21 
  MOVE to registers, 21 
  registers, 25 
  resolution, 23 , 24 
  SKIP instruction, 31 , 32 
  starting, 26 , 30 
  stopping, 30 
  strobe address, 26 
  vertical beam position, 24 
  WAIT instruction, 22 , 30 , 32 
  with sprites, 113 
  with the blitter, 26 , 35 

Custom Chips Index

Custom Chips, 2 , 170 , 255 
  control registers, 19 
  register, 263 
  steal cycles, 4 

D Index

Data-fetch, --> 
DBLPF, 87 , 90 
DDFSTOP, 60-61 , 80 , 82 , 91 , 99 
DDFSTRT, 60 , 80 , 82 , 91 , 99 
Decibel values, 163 
Denise, 2 , 297 
Descending Mode - blitter, 182 
DEST, 170 
Digital Joystick - connection, 329 ,fire buttons, 329 
Disk, --> 
Disk Port, 320 
Display - size of, 57 
Display DMA, 20 
Display field, 40 
Display memory, 57 
Display modes, 41 
Display window, --> 
DIWHIGH, 298 , 306 
DIWSTOP, 59 , 78 , 91 , 99 , 219 , 306 
DIWSTRT, 58 , 59 , 76 , 91 , 99 , 219 , 306 
DMA, --> 
DMA Contention, 193 
DMA Priority, 194 
DMACON, --> 
DMAEN, 144 , 222 , 247 
DSK, 244 
DSKBLK, 220 
DSKBYTR, 241 , 248 
DSKEN, 222 
DSKLEN, 241 , 246-247 
DSKPTH, 241 , 246 , 298 
DSKRDY, 244 
DSKSELx, 244 
DSKSYN, 220 
DSKSYNC, 241 , 247 , 250 
Dual Playfield, --> 

Data-fetch Index

  high resolution, 62 
  in basic playfield, 60 
  in horizontal scrolling, 82 
  start - normal, 60 
  stop - normal, 60 

Disk Index

Disk, 20 
  controller, 6 , 241 
  DMA, 246 
  DMA pointer registers, 246 
  drives, 6 
    identification, 335 
    interface, 334 
    limitations, 335 
    pins, 334 
  external connector, 367 
    device ID, 370 
    pins, 367 
    signals, 368 
  floppy, 4 
  input stream synchronization register (DSKSYNC), 250 
  internal - pins, 336 ,power, 336 
  interrupts, 220 , 250 
  MFM Encoding, 250 
  read data register, 248 
  write, 246 

Display window Index

Display window
  positioning, 57 
  size - maximum, 79 , 306 ,normal, 58 
  starting position - horizontal, 58 , 77 , 306 ,vertical, 58 , 77 , 306 
  stopping position - horizontal, 59 , 78 , 306 ,vertical, 59 , 79 , 306 

DMA Index

DMA, 4 , 207 
  audio, 137 , 138 , 141 , 144 , 145 , 147 , 148 , 153 , 157 , 164-165 ,
         194 , 220 
  bitplanes, 62 
  blitter, 50 , 170-173 , 174 , 176 , 179-181 , 183-184 , 187 , 189 ,
           191 , 193 , 194 , 196-198 
  control, 222 
  control register, 218 , 222 
  copper, 19-20 , 30 
  disk, 4 , 194 , 220 , 241 , 246 , 247 , 250 
  display, 20 , 194 , 300 
  playfield, 62 
  sprites, 4 , 27 , 97 , 102 , 108 , 109 , 110 , 115 , 116-117 , 118 ,
           120-121 , 123 , 126 , 127 , 128 , 194 


DMACON, 222 , 247 
  blitter done, 186 
  DMAF_BLITHOG bit, 198 
  in audio, 144 
  in playfields, 62 
  stopping the Copper, 30 
  zero detection, 187 

Dual Playfield Index

Dual Playfield, 44 
  bitplane assignment, 68 
  description, 67 
  enabling, 72 
  high resolution colors, 71 
  in high resolution mode, 71 
  low resolution colors, 70 
  priority, 71 
  scrolling, 71 

E,F,G,H Index

ECS - sprites, 302 , 303 
ECS Registers, 298 
Enhanced Chip Set, --> 
Examples, 9 
Expansion Boards, 7 
Expansion Bus, 383 
Expansion Connector, 7 , 385 
External interrupts, 219 

FAST, 249 
Fast Memory, 5 
Fat Agnus, 5 , 187 
Field time, 40 
Floppy Disk, 4 , 241 , See   DISK 
Frame Buffer, 6 
Frequency Modulation, 4 

Game Controller Port, 327 
GAUD, 89 
GCR, 250 
Genlock, --> 
HAM, 86 

Hardware Connection, --> 
HBSTOP, 298 
HBSTRT, 298 
High resolution, --> 
HIRES, 87 
Hold-And-Modify, 3 , 86 
HOMOD, 87 , 90 
Horizontal blanking interval, 23 , 304 
HSSTOP, 298 
HSSTRT, 298 
HSTART, 59 , 91 , 107 , 107 , 113 
HSTOP, 59 , 78 , 91 
HTOTAL, 298 , 304 

Enhanced Chip Set Index

Enhanced Chip Set, 295 
  blitter, 296 
  ECS Registers, 298 
  memory, 296 

Genlock Index

Genlock, 2 , 49 , 51 , 89 , 159 , 260 
  effect on background color, 46 
  in ECS, 296 
  in playfield register, 89 

Hardware Connection Index

Hardware Connection, 353 
  address inputs, 354 
  chip select, 353 
  clock input, 353 
  data bus I/O, 354 
  interrupt request, 354 
  read/write input, 353 
  reset input, 354 

High resolution Index

High resolution
  color selection, 49 , 94 
  memory requirements, 52 
  SuperHires, 300 
  with dual playfields, 71 
  with ECS, 296 

I,J,K Index

IBM PC, 6 , 7 , 241 
Include Files, 10 , 22 , 373 
INTEN, 218 
INTENA, 217 
Interlaced mode, --> 
Interleaved Memory, 4 
Internal Slots, 7 
Interrupt, --> 
Interrupt Control Register, --> 
Interrupts - during vertical blanking, 219 
INTREQ, 35 , 218 

Joy stick port, 323 
Joystick, --> 
JOYxDAT, 229 

Keyboard, --> 
Keyboard Port, 319 

Interlaced mode Index

Interlaced mode
  Copper in, 34 
  memory requirements, 52 
  modulo, 62 
  setting interlaced mode, 49 

Interrupt Index

Interrupt, 26 , 35 , 35 , 207 , 217 
  8520, 251 
  audio, 147 , 148 , 153 , 157 , 164-165 , 220 
  beam synchronized, 3 
  blitter, 35 , 171 , 187 , 220 
  control registers, 217 
  copper, 25 , 32 , 216 , 219 
  disk, 220 , 245 , 250 
  external, 219 
  graphics, 33 
  interrupt enable bit, 218 
  interrupt lines, 217 
  maskable, 217 
  nonmaskable, 217 
  parallel, 259 
  priorities, 221 
  registers, 218 
  serial, 255 , 256 , 258 
  serial port, 220 
  setting and clearing bits, 218 
  vertical blanking, 219 

Interrupt Control Register Index

Interrupt Control Register, 346 
  read, 347 
  write, 347 


  with joystick, 232 
  with mouse/trackball, 230 

Joystick Index

  connections, 228 
  port, 323 
  reading, 232 

Keyboard Index

Keyboard, 251 , 357 
  Caps lock, 359 
  communications, 357 
  errors, 359 
  ghosting, 253 
  hard reset, 361 
  keycodes, 358 
    transmission, 358 
  matrix, 362 
  out-of-sync, 359 
  power up, 360 
  raw keycodes, 251 
  reading, 251 
  reset warning, 361 
  self test, 360 
  signals, 6 , 357 
  special codes, 364 
  timing diagram, 358 

L,M,N,O Index

LACE, 51 
LED - caps-lock, 253 
Light Pen, --> 
Line Drawing, --> 
Low resolution - color selection, 93 
LPEN, 89 

Manual mode - in sprites, 123 
Memory - adding, 7 ,blitter access to, 169 
Memory allocation, --> 
Memory Allocation - playfields, 76 
Memory allocation - sprite data, 105 
Memory Cycle Time, 194 
Memory map, 388 
MFM Encoding, 241 , 250 
MIDI, 318 
Minterms, 175 
Modulation - amplitude, 149 ,frequency, 149 
Modulo, --> 
Monitors -  260 , See  Video 
Mouse - connections, 228 ,reading, 229 
Mouse Port, 328 
MOVE, 19 , 20 , 21 
MSBSYNC, 249-250 
MS-DOS, 6 , 7 , 241 
Multiprocessor, 223 
Multitasking, 9 

Noise - audio, 154 
NTSC, --> 

Octants, 189 
Overscan, 3 , 57 , 99 

Light Pen Index

Light Pen, 333 
  connections, 228 
  pins, 333 
  reading, 238 
  registers, 238 

Line Drawing Index

Line Drawing, 4 , 189 
  length, 191 
  logic function, 191 
  octants, 189 
  registers, 191 

Memory allocation Index

Memory allocation
  audio, 137 
  formula for playfields, 76 
  playfields, 52 

Modulo Index

  blitter, 172 
  in basic playfield, 60-62 
  in horizontal scrolling, 82 
  in interlaced mode, 62 
  in larger playfield, 73 

NTSC Index

NTSC, 62 , 100 , 100 
  audio, 140 , 141 , 158-159 
  blitter, 193 
  clock, 2 
  playfield, 49 , 52 , 57 , 58 
  serial baud rate, 255 
  sprites, 100 , 100 
  vertical blank, 219 
  video, 3 , 24 , 27 , 34 , 40-41 , 45 , 304 

P Index

Packed Font, 180 
Paddle Controller - connections, 228 ,reading, 234 
PAL, --> 
Parallel, 9 
Parallel Port, --> 
Paula, 2 , 6 , 255 
Peripherals, 6 , 7 
Pipeline, 188 
Pixels - definition, 40 ,in sprites, 101 , 101 
Playfield, 4 , 6 , 9 
Playfields, --> 
Playfield-sprite priority, 209 
Port Signal Assignments, 350 
Ports, --> 
POT0DAT, 236 , 298 
POT1DAT, 236 , 298 
POTGO, 229 
POTGOR, 229 
POTINP - name changed to POTGOR, 240 
POTxDAT, 229 
Power up operation, 223 
PRECOMPx, 249 
Priority, --> 
Productivity mode, 3 
Proportional Controller, 331  - pins, 332 
Proportional Controllers - reading, 234 
Proportional Joystick - connections, 228 ,reading, 234 

PAL Index

PAL, 3 , 62 
  audio, 140 , 141 , 158-159 
  beam position, 216 
  blitter, 193 
  clock, 2 
  playfield, 49 , 52 , 57 , 58 
  serial baud rate, 255 
  sprites, 100 
  vertical blank, 219 
  video, 3 , 24 , 34 , 40-41 , 45 , 304 

Parallel Port Index

Parallel Port, 227 , 259 , 319 
  pin assignment, 324 
  specification, 324 
  timing - input, 325 ,output, 325 

Playfields Index

  allocating memory, 52 , 61 
  bitplane pointers, 54 
  collision, 213 
  color of pixels, 42-44 
  color register contents, 92 
  color table, 46 
  coloring the bitplanes, 45 , 55 
  colors in a single playfield, 45 
  defining a scrolled playfield, 85 
  defining display window, 57 
  defining dual playfields, 72 
  defining the basic playfield, 63 
  display window size - maximum, 79 ,normal, 58 
  displaying, 62 
  dual-playfield mode, 67 
  enabling DMA, 62 
  fetching data, 60-61 , 80 
  forming, 44 
  high resolution, 41 
    color selection, 94 
    example, 66 
  hold-and-modify, 95 
  hold-and-modify mode, 86 
  interlaced, 41 
  interlaced example, 66 
  low resolution, 41 
    colors, 93 
  memory required, 52 , 76 
  modulo registers, 62 
  multiple-playfield display, 89 
  non-interlaced, 42 
  normal, 42 
  pointer registers, 54 , 61 , 74 
  priority, 210 
  register summary, 89 
  scrolling - horizontal, 82 ,vertical, 81 
  selecting bitplanes, 48 
  setting resolution mode, 49 
  specifying modulo, 60-62 , 73 
  specifying the data fetch, 76 
  with external video source, 89 
  with genlock, 89 
  with larger display memory, 73 

Ports Index

  controller, 227 
  disk, 241 
  parallel, 259 
  serial, 255 
  video, 260 


  as digital I/O, 240 
  as proportional inputs, 234 

Priority Index

  dual playfields, 71 
  playfield-sprite, 209 
  priority control register, 210 
  sprites, 207 

R,S Index

RAM, --> 
RAMEX, 321 
Reboot, 223-224 
Refresh, 20 
Reset, 223 
Resolution - setting, 49 
RF Modulator, 260 
RF Monitor, 320 
RGB - analog, 260 ,digital, 260 
RGB Video, 7 , 49 , 63 , 64 
ROM, 1 , 6 , 223 , 253 
RS-232, 6 , 255 
RS-232 and MIDI, 318 

Sampling - period, 141 ,rate, 152 
Scrolling, --> 
SCSI Disk Port, 321 
SCSI internal disk - pins, 336 
SERDAT, 258 , 259 
Serial, 9 
Serial Port, --> 
Serial Shift Register, --> 
SERPER, 255 
SET/CLR, 35 , 144 , 145 , 218 , 222 , 249 , 257 
Shifting - blitter, 182 
SKIP, 20 
Slow Memory, 5 
Sound generation, 134 
SPREN, 222 
Sprite, 3 , 9 , 19-20 
Sprite Colors, 27 
Sprite DMA, 27 
Sprites, --> 
SPRxCTL, 107 , 123 , 124 , 126 , 128-129 , 298 , 303 
SPRxDATA, 123 , 126 , 129 
SPRxDATB, 123 , 126 , 129 
SPRxPOS, 107 , 123 , 124 , 126 , 127-128 , 129 , 303 
SPRxPT, 114 
SPRxPTH, 110 , 126 , 127 
SPRxPTL, 110 , 126 , 127 
SRCA, 170 
SRCB, 170 
SRCD, 170 
Stereo, 4 
System Clock, 2 
System Control Hardware, 9 

RAM Index

RAM, 21 , 47 
  address space, 2 
  at startup, 223 
  chip, 6 , 20 , 138 
  disk, 246 
  expansion, 2 , 7 
  keyboard, 253 

Scrolling Index

  data fetch, 82 
  delay, 85 
  horizontal, 82 
  in dual-playfield mode, 71 
  in high resolution mode, 82 
  modulo, 82 
  vertical, 81 

Serial Port Index

Serial Port, 255 
  characteristics, 327 
  pin assignment, 326 
  specification, 326 
  timing, 327 

Serial Shift Register Index

Serial Shift Register, 345 
  bidirectional feature, 346 
  input mode, 345 
  output mode, 345 

Sprites Index

  address pointers, 110 
  arming and disarming, 123 
    color registers, 131 
    colors, 122 
    control word, 120 
    copper list, 122 
    data words, 121 , 123 
  clipped, 100 
  collision, 113 , 213 
  color, 102 , 302 
  color registers used, 102-103 
  comparator, 124 , 126 
  control registers, 124 , 126 , 127 
  control words, 107 , 107 
  data registers, 126 , 129 
  data structure, 104 
  data words, 107 
  designing, 104 
  displaying - example, 111 ,steps in, 109 
  DMA, 110 , 114 
  end-of-data words, 108 
  Enhanced Chip Set, 302 , 303 
  forming, 98 
  manual mode, 123 
  memory requirements, 105 
  moving, 113 
  overlapped, 118 
  parallel-to-serial converters, 124 
  pixels in sprites, 101 , 101 
  pointer registers, 127 
    initializing, 110 
    resetting, 110 
  position registers, 124 , 126 
  priorities, 207 
  priority, 115 , 118 , 210 
  reuse, 114 , 116 
  screen position - horizontal, 98 , 107 ,vertical, 100 
  shape, 101 
  size, 101 
  vertical position, 107 , 107 
  with copper, 113 

T,U,V,W,Z Index

TAS, 196 , 223 
Trackball, --> 
Trackdisk, 9 
TSRE, 259 

UART, 255 

VBSTOP, 298 
VBSTRT, 298 
VCR, 46 
Vertical Blanking, 30 , 30 , 32 , 304 
VGA, 304 
VHPOSR, --> 
VHPOSW - with beam counter, 216 
Video, --> 
Video Beam Position, 26 
Video Input, 46 
Video Port, 319 
Volume, 139 
VPOSR, --> 
VPOSW - with beam counter, 216 
VSSTOP, 298 
VSSTRT, 298 
VSTART, 59 , 91 , 107 , 107 , 108 , 113 
VSTOP, 59 , 78 , 91 , 107 , 108 , 113 
VTOTAL, 298 , 304 

WAIT, 19 , 20 
Waveform, 4 
Waveforms - audio, 134 
WORDSYNC, 249 , 250 

Zero Detection, 187 
Zorro Expansion Bus, --> 

Trackball Index

Trackball, 328 
  connections, 228 
  reading, 229 


VHPOSR, 229 
  with beam counter, 216 
  with light pen, 238 

Video Index

  analog RGB, 260 
  beam position, 3 , 23 
  camera input, 7 
  composite, 260 
  digital RGB, 260 
  external sources, 89 
  interrupt, 3 
  laser disk input, 7 
  monitors, 7 
  monochrome, 260 
  output, 260 
  priority, 4 
  RF modulator, 260 
  RGB, 49 , 63 , 64 
  synchronization, 3 
  VCR input, 7 
  video slot, 260 


VPOSR, 229 , 298 , 299 
  in playfields, 66 
  with beam counter, 216 
  with light pen, 238-239 

Zorro Expansion Bus Index

Zorro Expansion Bus, 383 
  A2000, 384 , 387 , 387 , 387 , 391 
  A3000, 384 , 387 , 387 , 387 
  autoconfiguration, 431 
  mechanical specifications, 427 
  memory mapping, 388 
  multiple transfer timing, 420 
  quick interrupt timing, 422 
  read timing, 416 
  write timing, 418 
  Zorro II signals, 391 , 437-439 
  Zorro III signals, 409 , 437-439 

Converted on 22 Apr 2000 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.