Amiga® RKM Libraries: B Boopsi Class Reference

The Boopsi Class Reference documents all of the classes built into
Intuition.  Each class entry in the reference starts off with:

   Class:         The class's name (for example, gadgetclass)
   Superclass:    The class's superclass (for example, rootclass)
   Include File:  The class's include file (for example,

The include file contains the class's message structures, attribute IDs,
and method IDs.  This is followed by a short description of the class.

The rest of a class entry is broken up into three sections:

  * New Methods      Describes each new method that the class defines.

  * Changed Methods  Describes each method to which this class makes
                     significant changes.

  * Attributes       Describes the attributes that this class defines as
                     well as inherited ones that this class alters.

 Introduction    imageclass       itexticlass    buttongclass 
 rootclass       frameiclass      gadgetclass    frbuttonclass 
 icclass         sysiclass        propgclass     groupgclass 
 modelclass      fillrectclass    strgclass 

B Boopsi Class Reference / Introduction

There are 14 public classes built into the Release 2.04 ROM:

                /         /                \
               /         /                  \
           icclass      /                gadgetclass
             /         /                      \
            /         /         _______________\___________________
           /     imageclass    /           /         \             \
          /         /         /           /           \             \
     modelclass    /      propgclass  strgclass  buttongclass  groupgclass
                  /                                     \
                 /                                       \
         _______/___________________________        frbuttongclass
        /         \            \            \
       /           \            \            \
  frameiclass  sysiclass  fillrectclass  itexticlass

This appendix documents all the standard Boopsi classes, including their
methods and attributes.

Each class entry in this document can have two sets of methods: new
methods that the class defines and inherited methods that the class has
modified significantly.  Similarly, each class entry can have two sets of
attributes: those that the class defines and those that the class
inherited and modified.  Unless documented otherwise,  all classes inherit
all of its superclass's methods and attributes.

Each method has a Boopsi message associated with it.  These messages are
in the form of C structures.  Many methods use the default message

    typedef struct
        ULONG MethodID;
    } *Msg;

Some methods require a customized message so they can pass other
parameters besides the Method ID.  If a method requires a custom message,
its custom message structure is documented along with the method.

All methods have to return some sort of return value.  The meaning of the
return value depends on the class and method.  Normally a return value of
zero indicates that either the method failed or it is not supported by the
class.  A method can use the return value to return a pointer to an
object.  If a class does not directly support a particular method, the
class's dispatcher should pass the method on to its superclass for
processing.  The class dispatcher should record the return value it gets
from its superclass and use that as its return value.  Methods that assign
no meaning to their return value can return 1L to indicate that the method
is implemented.

The description of each attribute contains a code which lists the
rootclass methods that apply to that attribute:

    I  OM_NEW     Attribute can be set at initialization
    S  OM_SET     Attribute can be set with OM_SET method
    G  OM_GET     Attribute can be read with OM_GET method
    N  OM_NOTIFY  Changing the attribute triggers object to send
    U  OM_UPDATE  Attribute can be set with OM_UPDATE method

For example, the itexticlass attribute IA_Left has the code (ISG) after
it.  This means an application can set IA_Left when it creates an instance
of itexticlass (OM_NEW) and when it uses the OM_SET method.  The
application can also ask an itexticlass object what the IA_Left value is,
using the OM_GET method.

The OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_NOTIFY, and OM_UPDATE messages all contain a
pointer to a tag list.  This tag list contains the attributes and
corresponding values that the method affects.  Each TagItem in this list
makes up an attribute/value pair.  The ti_Tag portion of the TagItem
contains the attribute's ID while the ti_Data field contains the
attribute's value.  Note that these tag lists can also contain
utility.library Global System control tags (like TAG_SKIP and TAG_DONE),
so dispatchers should use the tag functions from utility.library to
process these lists.  See documentation on the Utility library for more

All methods are called via a class dispatcher:

    classDispatcher(Class *class, Object *object, Msg msg);

The first argument, class, is a pointer to the dispatcher's Class
structure (defined in <intuition/classes.h>).  The second parameter,
object, is a pointer to the Boopsi object to which the Boopsi message (the
third argument, msg) refers.  Both Object and Msg are defined in

B Boopsi Class Reference / rootclass

Class:                  rootclass
Superclass:             None
Include File:           <intuition/classusr.h>

This is the universal base class for all other classes.

New Methods:

The following methods are described at the rootclass level although its up
to the subclasses to actually implement them.  If a class does not
implement these methods, it should either return zero, indicating that
this class does not support the method, or defer processing on to its


Changed Methods:
Not applicable.


B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_NEW

This method tells a class to create a new instance of itself.  If OM_NEW
is successful, it returns a pointer to the new object, otherwise it
returns NULL.

For programmers who are only creating Boopsi objects rather than creating
custom classes, use the intuition.library function NewObject():

    APTR NewObject(struct IClass  *privateclass,
                   UBYTE          *publicclassname,
                   ULONG          firsttag,

The OM_NEW method receives the following arguments (defined in

    struct opSet /* The OM_NEW method uses the same structure as OM_SET */
        ULONG             MethodID;      /* OM_NEW */
        struct TagItem    *ops_AttrList; /* tag attributes to initialize */
        struct GadgetInfo *ops_GInfo;    /* Always NULL for OM_NEW */

The ops_AttrList field contains a pointer to a tag list of attribute/value
pairs.  Each pair contains an attribute ID and the initial value of the
corresponding attribute.

The ops_GInfo field is always NULL for the OM_NEW method.

Unlike other methods, when the dispatcher gets an OM_NEW message, the
object pointer (newobject from the dispatchRKMModel() prototype above)
does not point to an object, since the idea is to create a new object.
The pointer normally used to pass a Boopsi object is instead used to pass
the address of the object's "true class" (the class of which the object
is an instance).

The first thing the dispatcher does when it processes an OM_NEW message is
pass the OM_NEW message on to its superclass's dispatcher.  It does this
using the amiga.lib function DoSuperMethodA():

    ULONG DoSuperMethodA(Class *cl, Object *trueclass, Msg msg);

Each superclass's dispatcher does this until the message gets to the
rootclass dispatcher.

Each class keeps a record of how much memory its local instance data
requires.  The rootclass dispatcher's OM_NEW method looks at the object's
true class (newobject from the prototype) to find out how much memory to
allocate for the object's instance data.  The rootclass dispatcher
allocates enough memory for the true class's local instance data, plus
enough memory for the local instance data of each of the true class's
superclasses.  If all goes well, the rootclass dispatcher increments the
true class's internal count of instances of true class, and returns a
pointer to the newly created object.  it passes control back to the
subclass dispatcher that called it.  If there was a problem, the rootclass
dispatcher passes back a NULL.

When the rootclass dispatcher returns, the subclass dispatcher regains
control from DoSuperMethodA().  DoSuperMethodA() will return either a
pointer to the new object or NULL if there was an error.  Although the
rootclass dispatcher allocated all the memory the object needs, it did not
set up any of that memory.  Now its the the subclass dispatcher's turn to
do some work.  It has to initialize the instance data that is local to its
class.  A dispatcher finds its local instance data by using the
INST_DATA() macro (defined in <intuition/classes.h>).

After initializing its local instance data, the subclass dispatcher passes
control down to its subclass dispatcher, which in turn, initializes its
local instance data.  Control passes down from class to subclass until the
true class dispatcher regains control.

Now the true class dispatcher has to initialize its local instance data.
It has to scan through the tag list of attribute/value pairs passed in the
OM_NEW message (opSet.ops_AttrList).  If the dispatcher finds any
attributes that the true class recognizes, it has to initialize them to
the value passed in the attribute/value pair.

At this point, the new object can allocate other resources it needs that
it did not allocate as part of its instance data.  For example, the new
Boopsi object might need a frame image around itself, so it can create a
new one using a Boopsi frame image.  If the object allocates any resources
in this step, it must deallocate these resources later when it is disposed
in the OM_DISPOSE method.

Finally, the dispatcher can return.  When the dispatcher returns from an
OM_NEW method, it returns a pointer to the new object.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_DISPOSE

This method instructs an object to delete itself.  The rootclass
dispatcher's OM_DISPOSE method decrements the true class's internal count
of instances of true class.  The return value for this method is not
explicitly defined.

This method uses the default Boopsi message.

Applications should not call this method directly.  Instead they should
use the intuition.library function DisposeObject().

For the OM_DISPOSE method, an object should do the following:

Free any additional resources the object explicitly allocated itself in
the OM_NEW method (this does not include the instance data).

Pass the message up to the superclass, which will eventually reach
rootclass, which will free the instance data allocated for the object.

If a class does not allocate any extra resources when it creates an
object, it can defer all OM_DISPOSE processing to its superclass.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_ADDTAIL

This method tells an object to add itself to the end of a specified Exec
list.  Boopsi objects contain a MinNode structure used for this purpose.
The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.

The method uses a custom message (defined in <intuition/classusr.h>):

    struct opAddTail {
        ULONG       MethodID;   /* OM_ADDTAIL */
        struct List *opat_List; /* The exec list to add the object to */

The opat_List can be any Exec list.  Use the Intuition function
NextObject() to step through this list.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_REMOVE

Remove an object from an Exec list.  The return value for this method is
not explicitly defined.  This method uses the default Boopsi message.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_ADDMEMBER

Tells an object to add another object to its personal Exec list.  What the
list is for depends on the class.  The return value for this method is not
explicitly defined.

One class that uses this method is modelclass.  A modelclass object
maintains a broadcast list.  When a modelclass object gets an OM_NOTIFY
message, it broadcasts an OM_UPDATE message about the OM_NOTIFY to every
object in its broadcast list.

This method uses a custom message (defined in <intuition/classusr.h>):

    #define  opAddMember opMember
    struct opMember {
        ULONG  MethodID;     /* OM_ADDMEMBER (or OM_REMMEMBER) */
        Object *opam_Object; /* add (or remove) this object    */
    };                       /* to (from) personal list.       */

opam_Object is the object to add to the list.  A dispatcher typically
implements OM_ADDMEMBER by sending the OM_ADDTAIL message to the
opam_Object object.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_REMMEMBER

Tells an object to remove a member object from its personal list.  The
member object should have already been added with OM_ADDMEMBER.  This
method uses the same custom message as OM_ADDMEMBER.  Normally a
dispatcher implements OM_REMMEMBER by sending the OM_REMOVE message to the
opam_Object object.  The return value for this method is not explicitly

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_GET

Tells an object to report an attribute's value.  Applications should not
call this method directly.  Instead, use the intuition.library function
GetAttr().  The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.

This method uses a custom message (defined in <intuition/classusr.h>):

    struct opGet {
        ULONG MethodID;     /* OM_GET */
        ULONG opg_AttrID;   /* ID of attribute to get */
        ULONG *opg_Storage; /* place to put attribute value */

If the object's dispatcher recognizes opg_AttrID as one of the attributes
defined by this class, the dispatcher should copy the value of that
attribute to where opg_Storage points:

    struct opGet *myopget;
    *(myopget->opg_Storage) = my_attribute_value;

If the dispatcher does not recognize opg_AttrID, it should pass the
message on to the superclass.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_SET

This method tells an object to set one or more of its attributes.
Applications should not call this method directly.  Instead, use the
intuition.library functions SetAttrs() and SetGadgetAttrs() to call this
method.  The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.

The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.  However, in
general, when implementing the OM_SET method, if setting an object
attribute causes some sort of visual state change, the OM_SET method
should return a value greater than zero.  If changing an attribute does
not affect the visual state, OM_SET should return zero.

This method uses a custom message (defined in <intuition/classusr.h>):

    struct opSet {
        ULONG             MethodID;      /* OM_SET */
        struct TagItem    *ops_AttrList; /* tag list of attributes to set*/
        struct GadgetInfo *ops_GInfo;

The ops_AttrList field contains a pointer to a tag list of attribute/value
pairs.  These pairs contain the IDs and the new values of the attributes
to set.  The dispatcher has to look through this list (see docs for the
utility.library NextTagItem() function) for attributes its class
recognizes and set the attribute's value accordingly.  The dispatcher
should let its superclass handle any attributes it does not recognize.

If the object is a gadget, the ops_GInfo field contains a pointer to a
GadgetInfo structure.  Otherwise, the value in ops_GInfo is undefined.
Intuition use the GadgetInfo structure to pass display information to
gadgets.  See the gadgetclass methods for more details.

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_UPDATE

This method tells an object to update one or more of its attributes.  No
application should call this method.  Only Boopsi objects send OM_UPDATE
messages.  The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.

A Boopsi object uses an OM_UPDATE message to notify another Boopsi object
about transitory changes to one or more attributes.

From the point of view of most objects, an OM_UPDATE message is almost
identical to OM_SET.  Because the methods are so similar, When a typical
dispatcher receives an OM_UPDATE message, it processes the OM_UPDATE the
same way it would process an OM_SET message, usually using the same code.

There are actually two kinds of OM_UPDATE, an interim and final one.
While a Boopsi object's attribute is in a transient state, it can send out
interim OM_UPDATE messages to its target(s).  For example, while the user
is sliding a Boopsi prop gadget, the prop gadget sends interim OM_UPDATE
message about changes to its PGA_Top value (the integer value of the prop
gadget is the PGA_Top attribute) to some target object.  When the user
lets go of the prop gadget, the gadget is no longer in a transient state,
so the gadget sends out a final OM_UPDATE about its PGA_Top attribute.
The target object can choose to change one of its attributes based on the
OM_UPDATE messages it receives.

The layout of the OM_UPDATE message is almost identical to the OM_SET

    struct opUpdate {  /* the OM_NOTIFY method also uses this structure */
        ULONG             MethodID;           /* OM_UPDATE              */
        struct TagItem    *opu_AttrList;      /* tag list of attributes */
        struct GadgetInfo *opu_GInfo;         /*   that changed.        */
        ULONG             opu_Flags;          /* The extra field        */

    #define OPUF_INTERIM    (1<<0)

Some dispatchers need to know the difference between an interim and final
OM_UPDATE.  A dispatcher can tell the difference between an interim and
final OM_UPDATE message because the OM_UPDATE message has an extra field
for flags.  If the low order bit (the OPUF_INTERIM bit) is set, this is an
interim OM_UPDATE message.  The interim flag is useful to a class that
wants to ignore any interim messages, processing only final attribute

B / rootclass / New Methods: OM_NOTIFY

This method tells an object to broadcast an attribute change to a set of
target objects using OM_UPDATE messages.  The return value for this method
is not explicitly defined.

The OM_NOTIFY method uses the same message structure as OM_UPDATE.

Most dispatchers do not handle the OM_NOTIFY message directly.  Normally
they inherit this method from a superclass, so they pass the OM_NOTIFY
message on to the superclass dispatcher.

Although most dispatchers don't have to process OM_NOTIFY messages, most
do have to send them.  Whenever an object receives an OM_SET or OM_UPDATE
about one of its attributes, it may need to notify other objects of the
change.  For example, when a prop gadget's PGA_Top value changes, its
target object(s) need to hear about it.

If an object needs to notify other objects about a change to one or more
of its attributes, it sends itself an OM_NOTIFY message.  The OM_NOTIFY
message will eventually end up in the hands of a superclass that
understands OM_NOTIFY and it will send OM_UPDATE messages to the target

B Boopsi Class Reference / icclass

Class:                  icclass (interconnection class)
Superclass:             rootclass
Include File:           <intuition/icclass.h>

Base class of simple OM_UPDATE forwarding objects.  When an icclass object
gets an OM_UPDATE message, it maps the attributes in the OM_UPDATE message
according to its mapping list (its ICA_MAP attribute) and forwards the
OM_UPDATE to its target (its ICA_TARGET attribute).

New Methods:

Changed Methods:


B / icclass / Changed Methods: OM_SET

This method sets its attributes and returns 0.

B / icclass / Changed Methods: OM_UPDATE/OM_NOTIFY

These methods tell the object to notify its ICA_TARGET of attribute
changes by sending the target an OM_UPDATE message.  If the object has an
ICA_MAP, it maps the attribute IDs it finds to new attribute IDs.  See the
rootclass descriptions of OM_NOTIFY and OM_UPDATE for more information.
The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.

B / icclass / Attributes: ICA_TARGET (IS)

This attribute stores the address of the icclass object's target object.
Whenever the icclass object receives an OM_NOTIFY or OM_UPDATE message, it
forwards that message to its target in the form of an OM_UPDATE message.
If the icclass object has an attribute mapping list (see the ICA_MAP
attribute below), it also maps the OM_NOTIFY/OM_UPDATE message's attribute
IDs to new ones before forwarding the message.

If the value of ICA_TARGET is ICTARGET_IDCMP, the icclass object sends an
IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE IntuiMessage to its window instead of forwarding an
OM_UPDATE message.  See the rootclass description of OM_UPDATE for more

B / icclass / Attributes: ICA_MAP (IS)

This attribute points to a tag list of attribute mappings which the
icclass object uses to change the attribute IDs of an OM_UPDATE's
attribute/value pairs.  For example, if an icclass object had the
following ICA_MAP:

    struct TagItem map[] =
        {PGA_Top, STRINGA_LongVal},
        {TAG_END, }

before sending an OM_UPDATE to its ICA_TARGET, the icclass object scans
through the OM_UPDATE message's attribute/value pairs looking for the
PGA_Top and MYATTR attributes.  If it finds the PGA_Top attribute, it
changes PGA_Top to STRINGA_LongVal.  Likewise, if the icclass object finds
the MYATTR attribute, it changes MYATTR to MYNEWATTR.  The icclass object
does not disturb the attribute's value.

B / icclass / Attributes: ICSPECIAL_CODE (*)

This is a dummy attribute for the ICA_MAP.  If any attribute maps to
ICSPECIAL_CODE and ICA_TARGET is ICTARGET_IDCMP, then the value of the
mapped attribute will be copied into the IntuiMessage.Code field of the
IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE message (just the lower sixteen bits of the attribute
value will fit).

B Boopsi Class Reference / modelclass

Class:                  modelclass
Superclass:             icclass
Include File:           <intuition/icclass.h>

A class of OM_UPDATE forwarding objects that have multiple targets.  In
addition to the features the modelclass object inherits from icclass, when
a modelclass object gets an OM_UPDATE message, it forwards that OM_UPDATE
message to all of the objects in its broadcast list.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:


B / modelclass / Changed Methods: OM_ADDMEMBER

This method tells a model to add an object to its broadcast list.  When
the object disposes of itself, it will also dispose of any objects
remaining on its broadcast list.  The return value for this method is not
explicitly defined.  See the rootclass description of OM_ADDMEMBER for
more information.

B / modelclass / Changed Methods: OM_REMMEMBER

This method tells a model to remove an object from its broadcast list.
The return value for this method is not explicitly defined.  See the
rootclass description of OM_REMMEMBER for more information.

B / modelclass / Changed Methods: OM_DISPOSE

This method tells a model to dispose of itself plus the objects remaining
on its broadcast list.  The return value for this method is not explicitly

B / modelclass / Changed Methods: OM_NOTIFY/OM_UPDATE

This method tells an object to forward the message in the form of an
OM_UPDATE message to all the objects in its broadcast list.  The
modelclass does not map the attributes in these OM_UPDATE messages.
Because modelclass inherits behavior from icclass, if the model has an
ICA_TARGET and ICA_MAP, it will also send a mapped OM_UPDATE message to
its ICA_TARGET.  The return values for these methods are not explicitly
defined.  See the rootclass OM_NOTIFY/OM_UPDATE and icclass
OM_NOTIFY/OM_UPDATE descriptions for more information.

B Boopsi Class Reference / imageclass

Class:                  imageclass
Superclass:             rootclass
Include File:           <intuition/imageclass.h>

This class is the base class for Boopsi Images.  These images are
backwards compatible with the conventional Intuition Images.  Every Boopsi
image has an Intuition Image structure embedded in it so Intuition can
access the Boopsi image as a conventional Image structure when necessary.
Normally there are no direct instances of this class, only instances of
subclasses of imageclass.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 IA_Left, IA_Top, IA_Width, IA_Height (ISG) 
 IA_FGPen, IA_BGPen (ISG) 
 IA_Data (ISG) 
 IA_Pens () 

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_DRAW

This method tells an image object to draw itself.  Applications should not
call this method directly, instead use the intuition.library function
DrawImageState().  The return value for this method is not explicitly

The IM_DRAW method uses a custom message structure:

    struct impDraw
        ULONG           MethodID;    /* IM_DRAW                    */
        struct RastPort *imp_RPort;  /* RastPort to render into    */
        {                            /* X and Y offset relative to */
            WORD X;                  /* the image's IA_Left and    */
            WORD Y;                  /* IA_Top attributes          */
        } imp_Offset;
        ULONG           imp_State;   /* Visual state of image      */
        struct DrawInfo *imp_DrInfo; /* describing rendering area  */

The imp_State field contains the visual state to render the image.  The
visual states (defined in <intuition/imageclass.h>) are:

IDS_NORMAL            Render using normal imagery.  This is the only
                      kind of imagery available to non-Boopsi images.

IDS_SELECTED          Render using "selected" imagery.  "Selected"
                      refers to the state of a gadget's imagery when it
                      is the selected gadget.

IDS_DISABLED          Render using "disabled" imagery.  "Disabled"
                      refers to the state of a gadget's imagery when it
                      is disabled.  Typically, a disabled image has a
                      ghosting pattern on top of it.

IDS_INACTIVENORMAL    This is a special version of IDS_NORMAL for a
                      "normal" image that is in the border of an
                      inactive window.

IDS_INACTIVESELECTED  This is a special version of IDS_SELECTED for a
                      "selected" image that is in the border of an
                      inactive window.

IDS_INACTIVEDISABLED  This is a special version of IDS_DISABLED for a
                      "disabled" image that is in the border of an
                      inactive window.

IDS_BUSY              Render using "busy" imagery as if the object
                      was the image of a gadget in a busy state.  The
                      busy gadget state is not yet supported by

IDS_INDETERMINATE     Render using "indeterminate" imagery as if the
                      object was the image of a gadget in an
                      indeterminate state.  The indeterminate gadget
                      state is not yet supported by Intuition.

Most image objects do not have different visual states for each possible
imp_State.  See the imageclass entries in this index for more details.

When setting the pens to render an image, use the values from the
imp_DrInfo->dri_Pens pen array (Note that it is possible for imp_DrInfo to
be NULL).  The possible pen values are defined in <intuition/screens.h>.
See the "Intuition Screens" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
Manual: Libraries for more information on the pen array.

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_HITTEST

This method returns TRUE if a point is within the old Image structure box
defined by the Image structure's LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, and Height
fields.  Subclasses of imageclass can redefine this method if they need to
change the criteria for deciding if a point is within an image.
Application programs should not call this method directly, instead use the
Intuition function PointInImage().  The IM_HITTEST method uses a custom
message structure:

    struct impHitTest
        ULONG MethodID; /* IM_HITTEST */
            WORD X;     /* Coordinates of point to test for hit */
            WORD Y;
        } imp_Point;

If an image object doesn't need to make any changes to how its superclass
handles IM_HITTEST, it can blindly pass this method on to its superclass.

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_ERASE

The IM_ERASE method tells an image to erase itself.  Applications should
not call this method directly, instead they should call the Intuition
function EraseImage().  The return value for this method is not explicitly

The IM_ERASE method uses a custom message structure:

    struct impErase
        ULONG           MethodID;   /* IM_ERASE */
        struct RastPort *imp_RPort; /* The image's RastPort */
            WORD X;                 /* X and Y offset relative */
            WORD Y;                 /* to the image's IA_Left  */
        } imp_Offset;               /* and IA_Top attributes.  */

The imageclass dispatcher calls the graphics.library function EraseRect()
to erase the image.  The imageclass dispatcher gets the position of the
image using the offsets from the IM_ERASE message and the dimensions it
finds in the object's Image structure.  The imageclass dispatcher does not
do any bounds checking before calling EraseRect().

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_DRAWFRAME

The IM_DRAWFRAME method instructs an image object to render itself within
the confines of a given rectangle.  The return value for this method is
not explicitly defined.

This method uses a custom message structure that is basically an extension
of the IM_DRAW message: struct impDraw

        ULONG           MethodID;    /* IM_DRAWFRAME */
        struct RastPort *imp_RPort;  /* RastPort to render into */
            WORD X;                  /* X and Y offset relative to the */
            WORD Y;           /* image's IA_Left and IA_Top attributes */
        } imp_Offset;
        ULONG    imp_State;  /* Visual state of image (see defines below)*/
        struct DrawInfo *imp_DrInfo;
                    /* DrawInfo describing target RastPort (can be NULL) */
            WORD Width;   /* scale, clip, restrict, etc. to these bounds */
            WORD Height;
        } imp_Dimensions;

The Width and Height fields provide the object's rectangular bounds.  How
the image object deals with the frame is implementation specific.  If the
imageclass dispatcher sees this message, it will convert it to an IM_DRAW
message and send it back to the image's true class.  An image subclass
which assigns proper meaning to this method (i.e., frameiclass) should
handle this method itself.

This method is useful to classes of images that can scale or clip
themselves to arbitrary dimensions.  Typically, an instance of a class
that truly supports this method will massage its imagery as best it can to
fit into the rectangle.

In general, applications that use this method to draw an object should use
the IM_ERASEFRAME method to erase it (see below).  This will ensure that
the image erases itself at the proper scale.

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_HITFRAME

This method is a special version of IM_HITTEST for images that support
IM_DRAWFRAME.  It asks an image if a point would be inside it if the image
was confined (scaled, clipped, etc.) to a rectangular bounds.  The return
value for this method is not explicitly defined.

This method uses a custom message structure:

    struct impHitTest
        ULONG MethodID;    /* IM_HITFRAME */
            WORD X;        /* Coordinates of point to test for hit */
            WORD Y;
        } imp_Point;

            WORD Width;  /* scale, clip, restrict, etc. to these bounds */
            WORD Height;
        } imp_Dimensions;

The imageclass dispatcher treats IM_HITFRAME just like IM_HITTEST,
ignoring the restricting dimensions.

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_ERASEFRAME

This method is a special version of IM_ERASE for images that support
IM_DRAWFRAME.  It asks an image to erase itself as if it were confined
(scaled, clipped, etc.) to a rectangular bounds.  The return value for
this method is not explicitly defined.

This method uses a custom message structure:

struct impErase /* NOTE: This is a subset of impDraw */
        ULONG           MethodID;   /* IM_ERASEFRAME */
        struct RastPort *imp_RPort; /* The image's RastPort */
            WORD X;      /* X and Y offset relative to the */
            WORD Y;      /* image's IA_Left and IA_Top attributes */
        } imp_Offset;

            WORD Width;  /* scale, clip, restrict, etc. to these bounds */
            WORD Height;
        } imp_Dimensions;

The imageclass dispatcher handles an IM_ERASEFRAME message as if it was an
IM_ERASE message, ignoring the bounds.  See the imageclass description for
IM_ERASE for more details.

B / imageclass / New Methods: IM_FRAMEBOX

This method applies to image classes that are used to put a frame centered
around some other objects.  This method asks a framing image what its
dimensions should be if it had to frame some object or set of objects that
fit into a rectangular bounds.  For example, to draw an frameiclass image
around a group of gadgets that fit into a specific rectangle, you first
send the frameiclass object an IM_FRAMEBOX message describing the
dimensions and position of that rectangle.  The frame reports what its
position and dimensions would have to be to surround those gadgets.  Use
these results to draw the frameiclass image.  The return value for this
method is not explicitly defined.

IM_FRAMEBOX uses a custom message structure:

    struct impFrameBox
        ULONG           MethodID;         /* IM_FRAMEBOX  */
        struct IBox     *imp_ContentsBox; /* The object fills in this  */
                                          /* structure with the        */
                                          /* dimensions of a rectangle */
                                          /* big enough to frame...    */
        struct IBox     *imp_FrameBox;    /* <------- this rectangle.  */
        struct DrawInfo *imp_DrInfo;      /* imp_DrInfo can be NULL.   */
        ULONG           imp_FrameFlags;
    #define FRAMEF_SPECIFY  (1<<0)  /* Make do with the dimensions */
                                    /* passed in FrameBox.         */

The imp_FrameBox field points to an IBox structure (defined in
<intuition/intuition.h>) describing the dimensions and position of the
rectangle to frame.  After the framing image determines the position and
size it should be in order to properly frame imp_FrameBox, it stores the
result in the imp_ContentsBox IBox.  This method allows an application to
use a framing image without having to worry about image specific details
such as the thickness of the frame or centering the frame around the

The imp_FrameFlags field is a bit field used to specify certain options
for the IM_FRAMEBOX method.  Currently, there is only one defined for it,
FRAMEF_SPECIFY.  If this bit is set, the imp_FrameBox contains a width and
height that the frame image has to use as its width and height, even if
the imp_FrameBox is smaller than imp_ContentsBox.  The frame is free to
adjust its position, but it is stuck with the imp_FrameBox dimensions.
This allows an application to set the size of the frame image and still
allow the frame image to position itself so it is centered on a rectangle.

The imageclass dispatcher does not support this method.  It returns zero.

B / imageclass / Changed Methods: OM_NEW

The instance data for imageclass contains an Image structure, and its
Depth field is initialized to CUSTOMIMAGEDEPTH, which identifies such
images to Intuition.  The Image's Width and Height fields default to
arbitrary positive numbers for safety, but an imageclass subclass or an
application should set these attributes to something meaningful.

B / imageclass / Changed Methods: OM_SET

This method applies to all imageclass attributes.  OM_SET returns 1.

B / imageclass / Attributes:IA_Left, IA_Top, IA_Width, IA_Height (ISG)

These attributes correspond to similarly named fields in the Intuition
Image structure.  The imageclass dispatcher stores these attributes in
their corresponding fields in the image object's embedded Image structure.

B / imageclass / Attributes: IA_FGPen, IA_BGPen (ISG)

These attributes are copied into the Image structure's PlanePick and
PlaneOnOff fields, respectively.

B / imageclass / Attributes: IA_Data (ISG)

A pointer to general image data.  This value is stored in the ImageData
field of the Image structure.

B / imageclass / Attributes: IA_Pens ()

This attribute points to an alternative pen array for the image.
Imageclass does not support this attribute, it is described here for
subclasses to use.  See the "Intuition Screens" chapter of the Amiga ROM
Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries for more information on the pen array.

B Boopsi Class Reference / frameiclass

Class:                  frameiclass
Superclass:             imageclass
Include File:           <intuition/imageclass.h>

This is a class of framing image, which can optionally fill itself.  Its
purpose is to frame other display elements using an embossed or recessed
rectangular frame.  The frame renders itself using the appropriate
DrawInfo pens (SHINEPEN, SHADOWPEN, etc.).  This class is intelligent
enough to bound or center its contents.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 IA_Recessed (IS)    IA_EdgesOnly (IS) 

B / frameiclass / Changed Methods: IM_DRAW

This method tells a frameiclass object to render itself using the position
and dimensions of its Image structure.  It supports two sets of drawing
states (passes in the impDraw.imp_State field):


In these states, the frame renders its edges using SHADOWPEN and SHINEPEN.
If it is a filled frame the frame uses the BACKGROUNDPEN for its interior.
Note that the frame renders the same imagery for all three of these states.

B / frameiclass / Changed Methods: IDS_SELECTED, IDS_INACTIVESELECTED

In these states, the frame renders its edges using SHADOWPEN and SHINEPEN.
If it is a filled frame the frame uses the FILLPEN for its interior.

See the imageclass description for IM_DRAW for more details.

B / frameiclass / Changed Methods: IM_DRAWFRAME

This method is almost the same as the frameiclass IM_DRAW method, except
this method accepts a width and height that overrides the width and height
stored in the object's Image structure.  It uses the same drawing states
as the frameiclass's IM_DRAW method.  See the imageclass description for
IM_DRAWFRAME for more information.

B / frameiclass / Changed Methods: IM_FRAMEBOX

This method asks a frameiclass image what its dimensions would be if it
has to frame a specific rectangular area.  See the imageclass description
for IM_FRAMEBOX for more information.

B / frameiclass / Attributes: IA_Recessed (IS)

If this attribute is TRUE, a frameiclass object will appear recessed into
the drawing surface.  It does this by swapping its use of the SHADOWPEN
and SHINEPEN.  By default, the frame appears to be raised from the surface.

B / frameiclass / Attributes: IA_EdgesOnly (IS)

If this attribute is TRUE, the frame does not fill itself, it just draws
its edges.

B Boopsi Class Reference / sysiclass

Class:                  sysiclass
Superclass:             imageclass
Include File:           <intuition/imageclass.h>

This is a class of system images and standard application images.  As of
Intuition version 37, there are 11 possible sysiclass image glyphs to
choose from:

    DEPTHIMAGE   Window depth arrangement image.
    ZOOMIMAGE    Window Zoom image.
    SIZEIMAGE    Window Sizing image.
    CLOSEIMAGE   Window close image.
    SDEPTHIMAGE  Screen depth arrangement image.
    LEFTIMAGE    Left arrow image.
    RIGHTIMAGE   Right arrow image.
    UPIMAGE      Up arrow image.
    DOWNIMAGE    Down arrow image.
    CHECKIMAGE   Checkmark image.
    MXIMAGE      Radio button image.

The class caches the image's bitmap to improve rendering speed.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 SYSIA_DrawInfo (I)    SYSIA_Which (I)    SYSIA_Size (I) 

B / sysiclass / Attributes: SYSIA_DrawInfo (I)

This attribute contains a pointer to a DrawInfo structure (defined in
<intuition/screens.h>) describing the target screen.  The class requires
this attribute in order to generate the image into a bitmap cache.

B / sysiclass / Attributes: SYSIA_Which (I)

This attribute identifies which of the system image glyphs the sysiclass
object uses.  It can be one of the 11 glyphs described above.

B / sysiclass / Attributes: SYSIA_Size (I)

This attribute identifies which image size to use for the object.  This
generalizes Intuition's older concept of two different system image
dimensions.  There are three possible values for this attribute:

    SYSISIZE_MEDRES  Meant for Hires, non-interlaced 640x200/256 display.
    SYSISIZE_HIRES   Meant for Hires, interlaced 640x400/512 display.
    SYSISIZE_LOWRES  Meant for Lores 320x200/256 display.

These sizes do not apply to all of the glyphs consistently.  See the chart
below for image dimensions (width x height) according to the SYSIA_Size
and the glyph type.  An 'H' for the height means the glyph allows its
height to be specified with IA_Height.

    --------        ------      ---------------  --------------
    DEPTHIMAGE      18 x H          24 x H          24 x H
    ZOOMIMAGE       18 x H          24 x H          24 x H
    SIZEIMAGE       13 x 11         18 x 10         18 x 10
    CLOSEIMAGE      15 x H          20 x H          20 x H
    SDEPTHIMAGE     17 x H          23 x H          23 x H

    LEFTIMAGE       16 x 11         16 x 10         23 x 22
    RIGHTIMAGE      16 x 11         16 x 10         23 x 22
    UPIMAGE         13 x 11         18 x 11         23 x 22
    DOWNIMAGE       13 x 11         18 x 11         23 x 22

    CHECKIMAGE      26 x 11         26 x 11         26 x 11
    MXIMAGE         17 x 9          17 x 9          17 x 9

B Boopsi Class Reference / fillrectclass

Class:                  fillrectclass
Superclass:             imageclass
Include File:           <intuition/imageclass.h>

This is a class of filled rectangles.  The fillrectclass object can use a
pattern to fill in its interior.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 IA_APattern, IA_APatSize (IS)    IA_Mode (IS) 

B / fillrectclass / Changed Methods: IM_DRAW

This method asks a fillrectclass object to render itself relative to the
position (LeftEdge and TopEdge) and dimensions (Width and Height) in its
embedded Image structure.  See the imageclass description of IM_DRAW for
more details.

B / fillrectclass / Changed Methods: IM_DRAWFRAME

This method asks a fillrectclass object to render itself relative to the
position in its embedded Image structure, but using the width and height
passed in the message's Dimensions.Width and Dimensions.Height fields.
See the imageclass description of IM_DRAWFRAME for more details.

B / fillrectclass / Attributes: IA_APattern, IA_APatSize (IS)

These attributes supply the fillrectclass object with an area fill
pattern.  The IA_APattern attribute points to the area fill pattern for
the object.  The IA_APatSize attribute is the depth of the area fill
pattern.  These attribute values are similar to the parameters passed to
the SetAfPt() macro (defined in <graphics/gfxmacros.h>) and indirectly
correspond to fields in a RastPort structure.  For more information on
these patterns, see the section on patterns in the "Graphics Primitives"
chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries.

B / fillrectclass / Attributes: IA_Mode (IS)

This attribute contains the drawing mode for the pattern (JAM1, JAM2, etc.)

B Boopsi Class Reference / itexticlass

Class:                  itexticlass
Superclass:             imageclass
Include File:           <intuition/imageclass.h>

This is a class of image objects that render an IntuiText structure.
Using some of the imageclass attributes, the object can override some of
the parameters in the IntuiText structure.  This class makes it easy to
share an IntuiText structure between objects.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

B / itexticlass / New Methods: IM_DRAW/IM_DRAWFRAME

These methods ask an itexticlass object to render its IntuiText structure,
which it gets from the imageclass IA_Data attribute.  An itexticlass
object renders its IntuiText relative to the IA_Left and IA_Top attributes
it inherits from imageclass.  This method uses the JAM1 drawing mode and
the IA_FGPen to render the text.  See the imageclass description of
IM_DRAW/IM_DRAWFRAME for more details.

B Boopsi Class Reference / gadgetclass

Class:                  gadgetclass
Superclass:             rootclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

This is a base class for Intuition compatible gadget objects.  The
dispatcher for this class takes care of creating an Intuition Gadget
structure as part of its local instance data.  All of the standard Boopsi
gadget classes build on this class.  Normally there are no direct
instances of this class, only instances of subclasses of gadgetclass.

The behavior of a Boopsi gadget depends on how it handles the five Boopsi
GM_GOINACTIVE.  Intuition controls a Boopsi gadget by sending it these
types of messages.  The structures that these methods use for their
messages begin with the method's ID followed by a pointer to a GadgetInfo
structure (defined in <intuition/cghooks.h>).  The GadgetInfo structure is
a read-only structure that contains information about the gadget's
rendering environment.  The gadget uses this to find things like its
window, screen, or pen array.  Although this structure does contain a
pointer to a RastPort for the gadget, the gadget must not use this
RastPort for rendering.  The gadget can obtain a RastPort for rendering by
calling the Intuition function ObtainGIRPort() using the GadgetInfo
structure.  See the intuition.library Autodocs for more details on this

These methods are not defined directly by gadgetclass.  It is up to
subclasses of gadgetclass to implement them.

Like all Boopsi methods, these methods run on the context of the task that
called the method.  Normally, Intuition is the only entity that calls
these methods, so these normally operate in the input.device's task.
Because a gadget may have to process a large number of input events, poor
implementations of gadget methods (especially the GM_HANDLEINPUT method)
can degrade system performance.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 GA_Previous (I) 
 GA_Left, GA_Top, GA_Width, GA_Height (IS) 
 GA_RelRight, GA_RelBottom, GA_RelWidth, GA_RelHeight (IS) 

The remaining attributes defined by gadgetclass are used to set the fields
in the Gadget structure of the Boopsi gadget.  Some Boopsi gadgets do not
pay attention to many of the fields in its Gadget structure, so most
applications will not have to worry about the majority of these
attributes.  Some gadget classes assign special meanings to these
attributes.  See the documentation of the specific gadget classes for more

 GA_IntuiText, GA_Text, GA_LabelImage (IS) 
 GA_Image (IS) 
 GA_Border, GA_SelectRender, GA_ID, GA_UserData, GA_SpecialInfo (IS) 
 GA_GZZGadget, GA_SysGadget (IS) 
 GA_Disabled, GA_Selected (IS) 
 GA_EndGadget, GA_Immediate, GA_RelVerify, GA_FollowMouse, (IS)     
 GA_RightBorder, GA_LeftBorder, GA_TopBorder, GA_BottomBorder, (IS) 
 GA_ToggleSelect, GA_TabCycle (IS)                                  
 GA_Highlight (IS) 
 GA_SysGType (IS) 

B / gadgetclass / New Methods: GM_HITTEST

This method asks a gadget if a point is within its bounds. Usually the
point corresponds to a mouse click.  Intuition sends a gadget this message
when the user clicks inside the rectangular bounds found in the object's
Gadget structure (using its TopEdge, LeftEdge, Width, and Height fields).
This method returns GMR_GADGETHIT if a point is within the gadget,
otherwise it returns zero.  Because the gadget decides if it was hit, the
gadget can be almost any shape or pattern.  Boopsi gadgets that default to
using the bounds of their Gadget structure should always return

GM_HITTEST uses a custom message structure (defined in

    struct gpHitTest
        ULONG             MethodID;     /* GM_HITTEST   */
        struct GadgetInfo *gpht_GInfo;
            WORD X;                     /* Is this point inside */
            WORD Y;                     /* of the gadget?       */
        } gpht_Mouse;

The gpht_Mouse.X and gpht_Mouse.Y fields make up the X and Y coordinates
of the hit point.  These coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner
of the gadget (Gadget.LeftEdge, Gadget.TopEdge).

B / gadgetclass / New Methods: GM_RENDER

This method tells a gadget to render itself.  The return value for this
method is not explicitly defined.

GM_RENDER uses a custom message structure (defined in

    struct gpRender
        ULONG             MethodID;   /* GM_RENDER */
        struct GadgetInfo *gpr_GInfo;
        struct RastPort   *gpr_RPort; /* all ready for use */
        LONG              gpr_Redraw; /* might be a "highlight pass" */

The GM_RENDER message contains a pointer to the Gadget's RastPort which it
can use for rendering.  The Gadget renders itself according to how much
imagery it needs to replace.  The gpr_Redraw field contains one of three

GREDRAW_REDRAW  Redraw the entire gadget.

GREDRAW_UPDATE  The user has manipulated the gadget changing the
                imagery.  Update only that part of the gadget's
                imagery that is effected by the user manipulating the
                gadget (for example, the knob and scrolling field of
                the prop gadget).

GREDRAW_TOGGLE  If this gadget supports it, toggle to or from the
                highlighting imagery.

B / gadgetclass / New Methods: GM_GOACTIVE

This method asks a gadget if it is OK to make it the active gadget.  The
active gadget is the gadget that is currently receiving user input.
Intuition sends this message after a gadget responds affirmatively to the
GM_HITTEST method.  A gadget becomes active because it needs to process
input events (like a prop gadget or string gadget).

Some types of gadget do not need to become active.  These gadgets do not
have to process input from the user, they only have to deal with a single
mouse click to toggle their state.  Because that mouse click triggered
this method, the button already has all of the user input it requires.
Note that the behavior of the GadTools button differs from a Boopsi
buttongclass gadget, which processes other input events besides a single
mouse click.  See the entry for buttongclass in this Appendix for more

GM_GOACTIVE uses a custom message structure (defined in

    struct gpInput
        ULONG             MethodID;    /* GM_GOACTIVE or GM_HANDLEINPUT */
        struct GadgetInfo *gpi_GInfo;
        struct InputEvent *gpi_IEvent; /* The input event that triggered */
                                       /* this method (can be NULL for   */
                                       /* GM_GOACTIVE).                  */
        LONG         *gpi_Termination; /* For GADGETUP IntuiMessage.Code */
            WORD X;             /* Mouse position relative to upper      */
            WORD Y;             /* left corner of gadget (LeftEdge,      */
        } gpi_Mouse;            /* TopEdge).                             */

The gpi_IEvent field points to the struct InputEvent that triggered the
GM_GOACTIVE message.  If gpi_IEvent is NULL, the GM_GOACTIVE message was
triggered by a function like intuition.library's ActivateGadget() and not
by the user clicking the gadget.

For gadgets that only want to become active as a direct result of a mouse
click, this difference is important.  For example, the prop gadget becomes
active only when the user clicks on its knob.  Because the only way the
user can control the prop gadget is via the mouse, it would not make sense
for it to be activated by anything besides the mouse.  On the other hand,
a string gadget gets input from the keyboard, so a string gadget doesn't
care what activates it.  Its input comes from the keyboard rather than the

A gadget's GM_GOACTIVE method returns GMR_MEACTIVE (defined in
<intuition/gadgetclass.h>) if it wants to be the active gadget.  Otherwise
it returns GMR_NOREUSE.  For a description of what these values mean, See
their description in the gadgetclass's GM_HANDLEINPUT method, below.

If necessary, a gadget's GM_GOACTIVE method can precalculate and cache
information before it becomes the active gadget.  The gadget will use this
information while it's processing user input with the GM_HANDLEINPUT
method.  When it is time for the active gadget to become inactive,
Intuition will send the gadget a GM_GOINACTIVE message.  The gadget can
clean up its precalculations and cache in the GM_GOINACTIVE method.  For
more information on GM_GOINACTIVE, see its description below.

B / gadgetclass / New Methods: GM_HANDLEINPUT

This method asks an active gadget to handle an input event.  After
Intuition gets an OK to make this gadget object active (see the
GM_GOACTIVE method above), Intuition starts sending input events to the
gadget.  Intuition sends them in the form of a GM_HANDLEINPUT message.
This method uses the same custom message structure as GM_GOACTIVE (see the
gpInput structure above).

The information in the gpInput structure is the same for GM_HANDLEINPUT as
it is for GM_GOACTIVE.  The only difference is that the GM_HANDLEINPUT
message's gpi_IEvent can never be NULL.  It always points to an InputEvent

The gadget has to examine the incoming InputEvents to see how its state
may have changed.  For example,  a string gadget processes key presses,
inserting them into the gadgets string.  When the string changes, the
gadget has to update its visual state to reflect that change.  Another
example is the prop gadget.  If the user picks up the prop gadget's knob,
the prop gadget has to track the mouse to process changes to the gadget's
internal values.  It does this by processing IECLASS_RAWMOUSE events.

If the GM_HANDLEINPUT method needs to do some rendering, it must call
ObtainGIRPort() on the GM_HANDLEINPUT message's gpi_GInfo to get a pointer
to a RastPort.  To relinquish this RastPort, the GM_HANDLEINPUT method
must call ReleaseGIRPort().  The GM_HANDLEINPUT method has to allocate and
release this RastPort, it cannot be cached in the GM_GOACTIVE method.

The return value from GM_HANDLEINPUT informs Intuition if the gadget wants
to remain active.  The return values for the GM_HANDLEINPUT are similar to
GM_GOACTIVE.  The gadget tells Intuition that it wants to remain active by
returning GMR_MEACTIVE.  A gadget tells Intuition it wants to become
inactive by returning one of the "go inactive" return values:

GMR_NOREUSE     Tells Intuition to throw away the gpInput.gpi_IEvent

GMR_REUSE       Tells Intuition to reprocess the gpInput.gpi_IEvent
                InputEvent after deactivating the gadget.

GMR_NEXTACTIVE  Tells Intuition to throw away the gpInput.gpi_IEvent
                InputEvent and activate the next GFLG_TABCYCLE gadget.

GMR_PREVACTIVE  Tells Intuition to throw away the gpInput.gpi_IEvent
                InputEvent and activate the previous GFLG_TABCYCLE gadget.

GMR_NOREUSE tells Intuition that the gadget does not want to be active and
should throw away the InputEvent that triggered the GM_HANDLEINPUT message
(or the GM_GOACTIVE message).  For example, an active prop gadget returns
GMR_NOREUSE when the user lets go of the left mouse button (thus letting
go of the prop gadget's knob).

A gadget can also return GMR_REUSE, which tells Intuition to reuse the
InputEvent.  For example, if the user clicks outside of an active string
gadget, that string gadget returns GMR_REUSE so Intuition can process that
mouse click, which could be over another gadget.  Another case where a
string gadget returns GMR_REUSE is when the user pushes the right mouse
button (the menu button).  The string gadget becomes inactive and the menu
button InputEvent gets reused by Intuition so it can pop up the menu bar.

The other two possible return values, GMR_NEXTACTIVE and GMR_PREVACTIVE
were added to the OS for Release 2.04.  These tell Intuition that a gadget
no longer wants to be active and that the GM_HANDLEINPUT message
InputEvent should be discarded.  Intuition then looks for the next
non-disabled (GMR_NEXTACTIVE) or previous (GMR_PREVACTIVE) gadget that has
its GFLG_TABCYCLE flag set in its Gadget.Activation field (see the
gadgetclass GA_TabCycle attribute below), and attempts to activate it.

For both GM_GOACTIVE and GM_HANDLEINPUT, the gadget can bitwise OR any of
these "go inactive" return values with GMR_VERIFY.  The GMR_VERIFY flag
tells Intuition to send a IDCMP_GADGETUP IntuiMessage to the gadget's
window. If the gadget uses GMR_VERIFY, it has to supply a value for the
IntuiMessage's Code field.  It does this by passing a value in the
gpInput's gpi_Termination field.  This field points to a long word, the
lower 16-bits of which Intuition copies into the Code field.  The upper
16-bits are for future enhancements, so clear these bits.

B / gadgetclass / New Methods: GM_GOINACTIVE

This method tells the active gadget to become inactive.  The return value
for this method is not explicitly defined.

GM_GOINACTIVE uses a custom message structure (defined in

    struct gpGoInactive
        ULONG             MethodID;    /* GM_GOINACTIVE */
        struct GadgetInfo *gpgi_GInfo;

    /* V37 field only!  DO NOT attempt to read under V36! */
        ULONG             gpgi_Abort; /* gpgi_Abort=1 if gadget was    */
                                      /* aborted by Intuition and 0 if */
                                      /* gadget went inactive at its   */
                                      /* own request.                  */

The gpgi_Abort field contains either a 0 or 1.  If it is 0, the gadget
became inactive at its own request (because the GM_HANDLEINPUT method
returned something besides GMR_MEACTIVE).  If gpgi_Abort is 1, Intuition
aborted this active gadget.  Some cases where Intuition aborts a gadget
include: the user clicked in another window or screen, an application
removed the active gadget with RemoveGList(), and an application called
ActivateWindow() on a window other than the gadget's window.

If the gadget allocated any resources to cache or precalculate information
in the GM_GOACTIVE method, it should deallocate those resources in this

B / gadgetclass / Changed Methods: OM_NEW

This method allocates space for an embedded struct Gadget (defined in
<intuition/intuition.h>) and initializes some of the attributes defined by

B / gadgetclass / Changed Methods: OM_NOTIFY

This method tells a gadget to send an OM_UPDATE message to its target
object.  Boopsi gadgets have a function similar to icclass objects--each
gadget can have an ICA_TARGET and ICA_MAP in order to notify some target
object of attribute changes.  When a Boopsi gadget sends an OM_NOTIFY
message, it always includes its GA_ID.  This makes it easy for an
application to tell which gadget initially sent the OM_NOTIFY.  See the
description of icclass's OM_NOTIFY and OM_UPDATE and the rootclass's
OM_NOTIFY and OM_UPDATE methods for more details.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_Previous (I)

This attribute is used to insert a new gadget into a list of gadgets
linked by their Gadget.NextGadget field.  When the OM_NEW method creates
the new gadget, it inserts the new gadget into the list following the
GA_Previous gadget.  This attribute is a pointer to the gadget  (struct
Gadget *) that the new gadget will follow.  This attribute cannot be used
to link new gadgets into the gadget list of an open window or requester,
use AddGList() instead.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: ICA_TARGET (IS)

This attribute stores the address of the gadget's target object.  Whenever
the gadget receives an OM_NOTIFY message, it sends an OM_UPDATE message to
its target.  If the gadget has an attribute mapping list (see the ICA_MAP
attribute below), it also maps the IDs from the OM_NOTIFY message.

If the value of ICA_TARGET is ICTARGET_IDCMP, the gadget sends an
IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE IntuiMessage to its window.  See the rootclass
description of OM_UPDATE for more information.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: ICA_MAP (IS)

This attribute points to a tag list of attribute mappings which the gadget
uses to change the attribute IDs of an OM_UPDATE's attribute/value pairs.
For example, if a gadget had the following ICA_MAP:

    struct TagItem map[] =
        {PGA_Top, STRINGA_LongVal},
        {TAG_END, }

before it sends an OM_UPDATE to its ICA_TARGET, the gadget scans through
the OM_UPDATE message's attribute/value pairs looking for the PGA_Top and
MYATTR attributes.  If it finds the PGA_Top attribute, it changes PGA_Top
to STRINGA_LongVal.  Likewise, if the gadget finds the MYATTR attribute,
it changes MYATTR to MYNEWATTR.  The gadget does not disturb the
attribute's value, only its ID.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes:GA_Left, GA_Top, GA_Width, GA_Height (IS)

These attributes correspond to the Gadget structure's LeftEdge, TopEdge,
Width, and Height fields.  Setting these clears the "gadget relative"
flags (below).

B / / GA_RelRight, GA_RelBottom, GA_RelWidth, GA_RelHeight (IS)

These attributes correspond to the Gadget structure's LeftEdge, TopEdge,
Width, and Height fields.  Setting any of these attributes also sets the
corresponding "relative" flag in the Gadget structure's Flags field
GFLG_RELHEIGHT).  Note that the value passed in this attribute is normally
a negative LONG.  See the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM
Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries for more information on these flags.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes:GA_IntuiText, GA_Text, GA_LabelImage (IS)

These attributes correspond to one field in the object's embedded Gadget
structure--the GadgetText field.  Setting any of these attributes copies
the attribute's value blindly into the GadgetText field.  In addition,
setting GA_Text also sets the GFLG_LABELSTRING flag in Gadget.Flags and
setting GA_LabelImage sets the GFLG_LABELIMAGE flag in Gadget.Flags.  The
GA_IntuiText attribute must be an IntuiText pointer, as with old-style
gadgets.  GA_Text takes a pointer to a NULL- terminated string (UBYTE *).
GA_LabelImage takes a pointer to a (Boopsi) image.  Note that most gadget
classes do not support GA_Text and GA_LabelImage.  See the description of
specific gadget classes for more details.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_Image (IS)

This attibute is a pointer to either a Boopsi image or a Release
1.3-compatible Intuition image.  This attribute corresponds to the
Gadget's GadgetRender field.  The gadgetclass dispatcher will not dispose
of this image when it disposes of the gadget object.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_Border - GA_SpecialInfo (IS)

GA_Border, GA_SelectRender, GA_ID, GA_UserData, GA_SpecialInfo (IS) -
These attributes correspond to the similarly named fields in the Gadget
structure embedded in the gadget object.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_GZZGadget, GA_SysGadget (IS)

These are boolean attributes that correspond to the flags in the object's
Gadget.GadgetType field.  If the value passed with the attribute is TRUE,
the corresponding flag in Gadget.GadgetType is set.  If the value passed
with the attribute is FALSE, the corresponding flag in Gadget.GadgetType
is cleared.  See the <intuition/intuition.h> include file or the
"Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual:
Libraries for more information.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_Disabled, GA_Selected (IS)

These are boolean attributes that correspond to the similarly named flags
in the object's Gadget.Flags field.  If the value passed with the
attribute is TRUE, the corresponding flag in Gadget.Flags is set.  If the
value passed with the attribute is FALSE, the corresponding flag in
Gadget.Flags is cleared.  See the <intuition/intuition.h> include file or
the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual:
Libraries for more information.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_EndGadget - GA_TabCycle (IS)

GA_EndGadget, GA_Immediate, GA_RelVerify, GA_FollowMouse, (IS)
GA_RightBorder, GA_LeftBorder, GA_TopBorder, GA_BottomBorder, (IS)
GA_ToggleSelect, GA_TabCycle (IS) - These are boolean attributes that
correspond to the flags in the object's Gadget.Activation field.  If the
value passed with the attribute is TRUE, the corresponding flag in
Gadget.Activation is set.  If the value passed with the attribute is
FALSE, the corresponding flag in Gadget.Activation is cleared.  See the
<intuition/intuition.h> include file or the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter of
the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries for more information.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_Highlight (IS)

This attribute corresponds to the GFLG_GADGHIGHBITS portion of the
gadget's Gadget.Flags field.  This attribute can be one of four values
(from <intuition/intuition.h>):


See the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
Manual: Libraries for more information.

B / gadgetclass / Attributes: GA_SysGType (IS)

This attribute corresponds to the system gadget type portion of the
gadget's Gadget.GadgetType fields.  This attribute is any one of the
following flags (from <intuition/intuition.h>):


See the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
Manual: Libraries for more information.

B Boopsi Class Reference / propgclass

Class:                  propgclass
Superclass:             gadgetclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

A Boopsi proportional ("prop") gadget.  The Boopsi prop gadget is similar
to the conventional prop gadget, but extends its function to make it
easier to use.  The Boopsi prop gadget keeps its current integer value in
its PGA_Top attribute.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 GA_Image (I)        PGA_Freedom (IG)      PGA_Top (ISGNU)              
 GA_Border (I)       PGA_NewLook (I)       PGA_Visible, PGA_Total (ISU) 
 GA_Highlight (I)    PGA_Borderless (I) 

B / propgclass / Changed Methods: GM_HANDLEINPUT

If the knob position changes sufficiently to change a propgclass object's
PGA_Top attribute, the gadget will send an OM_NOTIFY message to itself,
which the propgclass dispatcher passes on to the gadgetclass dispatcher
for processing (see the rootclass description of OM_NOTIFY and OM_UPDATE
for more information).

The OM_NOTIFY message will contain two attribute/value pairs, PGA_Top and
GA_ID.  While the prop gadget's PGA_Top is in a transitory state (while it
is active and the user is moving the prop gadget's knob), the gadget sends
interim OM_NOTIFY messages.  The interim OM_NOTIFY messages have the
OPUF_INTERIM flag of the opUpdate.opu_Flags field set.  When the user
finishes manipulating the gadget (by letting go of the knob), the gadget
sends a final OM_NOTIFY message, which has a cleared OPUF_INTERIM flag.

B / propgclass / Attributes: GA_Image (I)

Propgclass intercepts this gadgetclass attribute before passing it on to
gadgetclass.  This attribute passes an image for the prop gadget's knob,
which gets stored in the propgclass object's Gadget.Image structure.  If
the propgclass does not get a GA_Image when it creates a prop gadget, the
prop gadget's knob defaults to an AUTOKNOB.  An AUTOKNOB automatically
sizes itself according to how large the range of the gadget is compared to
the visible range of the gadget.  See the PGA_Visible and PGA_Total
attributes for more details.

B / propgclass / Attributes: GA_Border (I)

Propgclass intercepts this gadgetclass attribute to prevent gadgetclass
from setting up a border.  If an application tries to set this attribute
for a propgclass gadget, the prop gadget turns itself into an AUTOKNOB

B / propgclass / Attributes: GA_Highlight (I)

Propgclass intercepts this gadgetclass attribute before passing it on to
gadgetclass.  It does this to make sure the highlighting is not set to
GADGHBOX.  GADGHBOX will be converted to GADGHCOMP.  See the
"Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual:
Libraries for more information on the types of gadget highlighting.

Other gadgetclass attributes are passed along to the superclass.

B / propgclass / Attributes: PGA_Freedom (IG)

This attribute tells a propgclass object on which axis the gadget's knob
is free to move, the horizontal or the vertical.  It is either FREEHORIZ
or FREEVERT.  The default is FREEVERT.

B / propgclass / Attributes: PGA_NewLook (I)

This is a boolean attribute which corresponds to the PROPNEWLOOK flag
PropInfo structure's Flags field (defined in <intuition/intuition.h>).  If
this attribute is TRUE, the new propgclass object will use Release 2
imagery rather than the Release 1.3 imagery.

B / propgclass / Attributes: PGA_Borderless (I)

This is a boolean attribute which corresponds to the PROPBORDERLESS flag of
the PropInfo structure's Flags field (defined in <intuition/intuition.h>).
If this attribute is TRUE, the new propgclass object will not have a
border around it.  In an AUTOKNOB propgclass gadget, if the PROPNEWLOOK
flag is set as well (see the PGA_NewLook attribute), the knob will have a
3D appearance.

B / propgclass / PGA_Top (ISGNU), PGA_Visible, PGA_Total (ISU)

These attributes replace the Pot and Body variables of the Release 1.3
prop gadget. They are based on the use of proportional gadgets to control
scrolling text.  When scrolling 100 lines of text in a 25 line visible
window, you would set PGA_Total to 100, PGA_Visible to 25, and watch
PGA_Top run from 0 to 75 (the top line of the last page).

If the user clicks in the prop gadget but not on the knob, the entire knob
jumps one "page" (the size of the visible area minus one, PGA_Visible-1).
The page jump will leave an overlap of one line, unless the value
PGA_Visible is 1, in which case the prop gadget acts as an integer numeric
slider, sliding from 0 to PGA_Total - 1.

Note that when PGA_Top changes, the gadget sends itself an OM_NOTIFY
message about this attribute change (see the propgclass description of
GM_HANDLEINPUT for more information).  All three of these attributes have
OM_UPDATE access, so they can be controlled from other objects.

B Boopsi Class Reference / strgclass

Class:                  strgclass
Superclass:             gadgetclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

Intuition compatible string gadgets.  The Boopsi string gadget can either
be a plain string gadget or an integer string gadget.  An integer gadget
filters out all characters except those that make up integer values.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:


The remaining strgclass attributes correspond to the flags and fields that
the conventional Intuition string gadget uses.  See the "STRING GADGET
TYPE" section of the "Intuition Gadgets" chapter of the Amiga ROM Kernel
Reference Manual: Libraries for more information.

 STRINGA_MaxChars, STRINGA_Buffer, (I)      
 STRINGA_UndoBuffer, STRINGA_WorkBuffer (I) 
 STRINGA_BufferPos, STRINGA_DispPos (ISU) 
 STRINGA_AltKeyMap (IS) 
 STRINGA_ActivePens (IS) 
 STRINGA_EditHook (I) 
 STRINGA_EditModes (IS) 
 STRINGA_ReplaceMode, STRINGA_FixedFieldMode, STRINGA_NoFilterMode (IS) 
 STRINGA_Justification (IS) 
 STRINGA_ExitHelp (IS) 

B / strgclass / Changed Methods: OM_NEW

This method sets up the string gadget's StringInfo and StringExtend
structures.  It allocates a buffer if needed and will use shared data
buffers for UndoBuffer and WorkBuffer if the MaxChars is less than
SG_DEFAULTMAXCHARS (128).  Default text pens are: Foreground = 1,
Background = 0.  See the rootclass description of the OM_NEW method for
more details.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_LongVal (ISGNU)

This attribute tells strgclass that this gadget is an integer string
gadget and the new value of the integer is this attribute's value.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_TextVal (ISGNU)

This attribute tells strgclass that this gadget is a plain string gadget.
The attribute points to a string which the object copies into the string
gadget's current string value buffer.

When a strgclass gadget's internal STRINGA_LongVal or STRINGA_TextVal
value changes (usually because the user manipulated the gadget), it sends
itself an OM_NOTIFY message.  The OM_NOTIFY message will contain two
attribute/value pairs, GA_ID and either STRINGA_LongVal or STRINGA_TextVal
(depending on what kind of strgclass gadget it is).  Strgclass gadgets
only send a final OM_NOTIFY message (one's with the OPUF_INTERIM flag of
the opUpdate.opu_Flags field cleared).

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_MaxChars - STRINGA_WorkBuffer (I)

STRINGA_MaxChars, STRINGA_Buffer, STRINGA_UndoBuffer, STRINGA_WorkBuffer
(I) - Specify various buffers defined for string gadgets and extended
string gadgets.  If your value of STRINGA_MaxChars is less than
SG_DEFAULTMAXCHARS (128 for now), then this class can provide all these
buffers for you.  Note that UndoBuffer and WorkBuffer can be shared by
many separate gadgets, providing they are as large as the largest MaxChars
they will encounter.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_BufferPos, STRINGA_DispPos (ISU)

The attributes tell the object its cursor and scroll position.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_AltKeyMap (IS)

This attribute corresponds to the StringInfo.AltKeyMap field.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_Font (IS)

This attributes points to an open TextFont structure that the string
gadget uses for rendering its text.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_Pens (IS)

Pen numbers, packed as two WORDs into a longword, for rendering gadget

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_ActivePens (IS)

Optional pen numbers, packed as two WORDs into a longword, for rendering
gadget text when the gadget is active.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_EditHook (I)

Custom string gadget edit hook.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_EditModes (IS)

Value taken from flags defined in <intuition/cghooks.h> for initial
editing modes.

B / strgclass / STRINGA_ReplaceMode - STRINGA_NoFilterMode (IS)

STRINGA_ReplaceMode, STRINGA_FixedFieldMode, STRINGA_NoFilterMode (IS) -
These three are independent Boolean equivalents to the individual flags
that you can set for STRINGA_EditModes.

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_Justification (IS)

Takes the values STRINGCENTER, STRINGRIGHT, and STRINGLEFT (which is 0).

B / strgclass / Attributes: STRINGA_ExitHelp (IS)

Set this if you want the gadget to exit when the "Help" key is pressed.
Look for a code of 0x5F, the rawkey code for help.

B Boopsi Class Reference / buttongclass

Class:                  buttongclass
Superclass:             gadgetclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

A class of button gadget that continually sends interim OM_UPDATE messages
to its target while the user holds down the button.  The button sends a
final OM_UPDATE message when the user lets  go of the button.  The imagery
for these objects is not built directly into the gadget.  Instead, a
buttongclass object uses a Boopsi image object, which it gets from its
GA_Image attribute.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:


B / buttongclass / Changed Methods: GM_HITTEST

This method gets passed over to the button's image for processing.  The
button's IM_HITTEST checks for the hit.

B / buttongclass / Changed Methods: GM_HANDLEINPUT

This method continuously issues OM_NOTIFY messages for each IECLASS_TIMER
event it gets.  The OM_NOTIFY message's OPUF_INTERIM flag (from
opUpdate.opu_Flags) is set for all but the final OM_NOTIFY.

The OM_NOTIFY message contains one attribute/value pair, GA_ID.  If the
pointer is currently over the gadget image, the value of this
attribute/value pair is the gadget's actual GA_ID (from the
Gadget.GadgetID field).  If the pointer isn't over the image, the value is
the negative of the gadget's actual GA_ID.

B / buttongclass / Changed Methods: GM_RENDER

All rendering is passed along to the GadgetRender.Image (the GA_Image
attribute).  This method can tell its image to render in any of four image

B / buttongclass / Attributes: GA_Image (IS)

This attribute points to the gadget's Boopsi image.  Changing this
attribute will cause the gadget to refresh its imagery.

B Boopsi Class Reference / frbuttonclass

Class:                  frbuttonclass
Superclass:             buttongclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

This is a special class of button gadget that puts a Boopsi framing image
around some other display element.  This display element can be one of
three things: plain text from the GA_Text attribute, an IntuiText from the
GA_IntuiText attribute, or an Image from the GA_LabelImage attribute.

The user activates the gadget by clicking within the bounds of the
gadget's framing image, which it gets from the GA_Image attribute.
Usually the framing image is an instance of an image class that supports
the IM_FRAMEBOX method (like frameiclass).  If the framing image supports
the IM_FRAMEBOX method, the frbuttonclass object centers the frame image
around the display element.  See the imageclass description of IM_FRAMEBOX
for more information.

New Methods:

Changed Methods:

 GA_Width, GA_Height (S) 
 GA_DrawInfo (I) 
 GA_Text, GA_IntuiText, GA_LabelImage (IS) 

B / frbuttonclass / Changed Methods: OM_NEW

When this class creates an object, it sets the object's embedded
Gadget.Width and Gadget.Height fields according to the frame image in
GA_Image.  If the GA_Image understands the IM_FRAMEBOX method, the gadget
asks the GA_Image what it dimensions would be if it had to surround the
display element.  If the GA_Image does not support IM_FRAMEBOX, it just
copies the GA_Image image's width and height into the Gadget structure.

B / frbuttonclass / Changed Methods: GM_HITTEST

The gadget delegates this method to the framing image's IM_HITFRAME method.

B / frbuttonclass / Changed Methods: GM_RENDER

For this method, the frbuttonclass object first draws the framing image by
sending the image an IM_DRAWFRAME message.  The object then draws its
display element.

B / frbuttonclass / Attributes: GA_Width, GA_Height (S)

These attribute correspond to the gadget's Width and Height fields.  If
the framing image supports IM_FRAMEBOX, changing these resizes the framing
image.  The framing image re-centers itself around the display element as
best it can, and the frbuttonclass gadget re-renders the whole itself.

B / frbuttonclass / Attributes: GA_DrawInfo (I)

This attribute passes a pointer to a valid DrawInfo structure.  If the
frbuttonclass gadget is going to frame plain text (passed to it in the
GA_Text attribute), the frbuttonclass gadget requires a DrawInfo structure
to properly calculate the dimensions of the text.

B / frbuttonclass / Attributes:GA_Text,GA_IntuiText,GA_LabelImage (IS)

These attributes tell the frbuttonclass object what kind of imagery to use
as its display element.  See their description in the gadgetclass entry
for more information.

B Boopsi Class Reference / groupgclass

Class:                  groupgclass
Superclass:             gadgetclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

This is a class of objects that maintains an internal list of gadgets.
Its purpose is to make it easier to layout a group of gadgets.  Any
gadgets that are a member of a groupgclass object are rendered relative to
the groupgclass object's GA_Left and GA_Top attributes.  As new gadgets
are added to the groupgclass object, the groupgclass object's dimensions
grow to enclose the new gadgets.  When the groupgclass object receives an
OM_DISPOSE message, it not only disposes of itself, it also disposes of
all the gadgets in its list.  Groupgclass does not support the gadget
relative flags (GA_RelWidth, GA_RelHeight, GA_RelBottom, and GA_RelRight).

New Methods:

Changed Methods:
 OM_SET          GM_HITTEST 

 GA_Left, GA_Top (IS) 

B / groupgclass / Changed Methods: OM_SET

This method passes most attributes to the superclass, but propagates
changes in position to its members appropriately. Also, GA_Width and
GA_Height are calculated from the position and dimension of the membership.

B / groupgclass / Changed Methods: OM_ADDMEMBER

This method adds a gadget to the group object's list.  The group object
will increase the size of its select box to include the new gadget's
select box.  The group object moves the new member to an absolute location
(by changing the new member's GA_Left and GA_Top attributes) relative to
the group object's upper-left corner.  Note that all members of the
groupgclass object will be deleted by OM_DISPOSE.

B / groupgclass / Changed Methods: OM_REMMEMBER

This method removes a gadget added to the group object's list with
OM_ADDMEMBER.  Note that all members of the groupgclass object will be
deleted by OM_DISPOSE.

B / groupgclass / Changed Methods: OM_DISPOSE

This method disposes of the groupgclass object and all its member gadgets.

B / groupgclass / Changed Methods: GM_HITTEST

This method works its way through the list of group members, sending each
a GM_HITTEST message, looking for the first member in the list that says
it has been hit.  This member gadget becomes the active member.

B / groupgclass / Changed Methods: GM_RENDER

This method sends a GM_HITTEST message to each of its members.


This method passes the message to the active member's dispatcher for
processing.   For GM_GOINACTIVE and GM_HANDLEINPUT, the coordinates passed
to the member's dispatcher in the message's gpi_Mouse.X and gpi_Mouse.Y
fields are translated so that they are relative to the gadget's upper-left

B / groupgclass / Attributes: GA_Left, GA_Top (IS)

These attributes correspond to the embedded Gadget.LeftEdge and
Gadget.TopEdge fields.  Setting these attributes in groupgclass object
causes it to change its position as well as the position of each of the
gadgets that have been added to the group gadget.

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