Amiga® RKM Devices: Index

           A              Note: Numbers refer to page numbers in the
          B C           "Amiga® ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Devices"
          D E           3rd edition, ISBN 0-201-56776-8
         F G H    
         J K L    
         M N O    
          Q R     
         U V W    

A Index

AbortIO(), 7
Absolute_Joystick.c, 95
Accessing a Device, 2
ADCMD_ALLOCATE command, 22 - examples, 23
ADCMD_FINISH command, 26
ADCMD_FREE command, 24
ADCMD_LOCK command, 24
ADCMD_PERVOL command, 26
ADCMD_SETPREC command, 24
AddTime(), 295
Allocate_Misc.c, 340
Alloc_Misc.a, 339
Amiga BootStrap -->
AMIGA keys, 79
Amiga System Devices -->
Audio Channels -->
Audio Device -->
Audio Hardware, 22
Audio.c, 19
Audio_8SVX.c, 28

Amiga BootStrap Index

Amiga BootStrap, 257
  boot mechanisms, 258
  bootblock booting, 259
  bootpoint booting, 259
  expansion board configuration, 257
  nodes, 258

Amiga System Devices Index

Amiga System Devices, 1
  accessing functions, 8
  asynchronous I/O requests, 5
  closing, 7
  commands, 4
  definition, 2
  device base address pointer, 8
  device names, 3
  device specific command prefixes, 4
  devices with functions, 8
  error checking, 6
  error indications, 6
  error processing, 6
  error reporting, 6
  Exec command prefixes, 4
  gracefully exiting, 7
  opening, 3
  passing I/O requests, 3
  synchronous I/O requests, 5

Audio Channels Index

Audio Channels, 13
  allocation key, 24
  allocation/arbitration commands, 22
  allocation, 21, 22
  changing the precedence, 24
  combinations, 22
  freeing, 24
  Lock, 22
  multi-channel, 24
  stealing, 21, 22

Audio Device Index

Audio Device, 13
  AbortIO(), 18
  additional information, 34
  BeginIO(), 18
  changing the volume, 26
  channel, 14
  CloseDevice(), 18
  closing, 18
  CMD_READ, 27
  CMD_STOP, 27
  commands and functions, 15
  definitions, 14
  device interface, 16
  double-buffering, 26
  free, 17
  hardware control commands, 25
  IORequest block, 16
  IORequest structures, 16
  lock, 17
  opening, 16
  playing a sound, 25
  precedence of users, 22
  precedence, 17
  reserve, 17
  sample, 14
  scope of commands, 17
  simple audio example, 18
  starting a sound, 27
  steal channel, 22
  stopping a sound, 26, 27
  Wait(), 18
  WaitPort(), 18

B,C Index

BattClock Resource, 325 - additional information, 327 - functions, 325
BattMem Resource, 327 - additional information, 327 - functions, 327
BeginIO(), 4, 5, 18, 271
Boot priority - floppy disks, 258

Caps Lock key, 78
Cause(), 314
CBD_CHANGEHOOK command, 42 - caveats, 43
Cbio.c, 50
Changehook_Test.c, 47
CheckIO(), 6
CIA Resource -->
Cia_Interval.c, 329
Clipboard Device -->
Clipboard Tool, 38
Clipdemo.c, 43
ClipID, 41
Clip - identification, 37
Closing A Device, 7 - outstanding I/O requests, 7
CMD_CLEAR Command, 310
CMD_READ Command, 307
CMD_UPDATE Command, 310
CMD_WRITE command, 177
CMD_WRITE Command, 308
CmpTime(), 295
Commodore SCSI Drives - unit numbers, 250
Complex_Serial.c, 280
Console Device -->
Console.c, 81
Current Clip, 40

CIA Resource Index

CIA Resource, 328
  additional information, 335
  functions, 328
  reading and writing ICRs, 329
  reminders, 329
  timer allocation, 328

Clipboard Device Index

Clipboard Device, 35
  additional information, 59
  advanced uses, 38
  closing, 42
  CMD_READ, 41
  commands and functions, 36
  current clip, 40
  data, 37
  device interface, 37
  disk file, 37
  end-of-clip, 41
  IFF, 38
  IORequest structures, 37
  io_Offset, 39
  monitoring changes, 42
  multiple clips, 38
  multiple units, 38
  new features, 35
  opening, 37
  posting, 40
  post, 41
  reading, 41
  unit numbers, 38
  updating, 40
  writing, 39

Console Device Index

Console Device, 61
  additional information, 86
  caveats, 81
  character output, 66
  closing, 65
  console units, 63, 64
  control sequence introducer, 78
  control sequences, 67
  device interface, 63
  input event qualifiers, 78
  input stream, 75
  I/O request structures, 63
  keyboard input, 66
  new features, 61
  OpenDevice flags, 64
  raw events, 77
  raw input types, 77
  reads, 74
  system functions, 62
  window bounds, 75

D,E Index

Demo_Dump.c, 190
Device Specific Commands, 2
devices/audio.h, 16
devices/clipboard.h, 37, 40
devices/gameport.h, 92
devices/hardblocks.h, 256
devices/inputevent.h, 105, 106
devices/narrator.h, 134
devices/parallel.h, 161
devices/printer.h, 175
devices/prtbase.h, 181, 196
devices/scsidisk.h, 251
devices/serial.h, 267
devices/timer.h, 287
devices/trackdisk.h, 305
Digital-To-Analog, 13
Disk Resource, 335 - add'l info, 337 - allocation, 336 - functions, 335
DISKINSERTED message, 314
DISKREMOVED message, 314
DoIO(), 4, 5
DoSpecial(), 199 - parameters, 199

E-Clock, 287 - E-Clock time, 298 - ECLOCK Timer Unit, 288 - EClockVal, 298
Ejecting a disk, 311
End-of-Clip, 41
End-of-File, 41
EspsonX Driver -->
ETD_CLEAR Command, 310
ETD_FORMAT Command, 311
ETD_MOTOR Command, 310
ETD_RAWREAD Command, 315
ETD_RAWWRITE Command, 316
ETD_READ Command, 307
ETD_SEEK Command, 314
ETD_UPDATE Command, 310
ETD_WRITE Command, 308
Exec Commands, 2, 4
exec/errors.h, 6
exec/interrupts.h, 106
exec/io.h, 4
Exec error codes, 187

EspsonX Driver Index

EspsonX Driver -->

EspsonX Driver Index

EpsonX Driver, 210
  data.c, 214
  density.c, 230
  dospecial.c, 217
  init.asm, 213
  macros.i, 211
  makefile, 210
  printertag.asm, 212
  render.c, 221
  rev.i, 212
  transfer.asm, 225
  transfer.c, 228

F,G,H Index

Filesystem Resource, 337 - additional information, 338
Floppy Disk -->
FlushDevice(), 342
Flux Format, 315, 316
FTXT, 39
Full_Narrator.c, 151

Gameport Connectors, 104
Gameport Device -->
Gameport Events, 91
GamePortTrigger structure, 92
GetSysTime(), 290
Get_Disk_Unit_ID.c, 336
Get_Filesys.c, 337
Get_Systime.c, 290
GPCT_ALLOCATED flag, 90, 94
GPCT_MOUSE flag, 90, 94
GPCT_NOCONTROLLER flag, 90, 94, 95
GPD_ASKCTYPE command, 94
GPD_ASKTRIGGER command, 93
GPD_READEVENT command, 91
GPD_SETCTYPE command, 94
GPD_SETTRIGGER command, 92
GPTF_UPKEYS flag, 92
Graphic Dumps -->

hardware/custom.h, 339
Harmony, 13
HDToolBox, 253
HD_SCSICMD command, 251
Hookface.asm, 56
Hook, 42
HP_LaserJet Driver -->

Floppy Disk Index

Floppy Disk, 306
  floppy boot process, 571
  floppy disk format, 572
  floppy physical layout, 571
  MFM encoding, 573
  I/O, 306

Gameport Device Index

Gameport Device, 87
  additional information, 100
  closing, 90
  commands and functions, 88
  connectors, 87
  controllers, 89
  determining controller type, 94
  determining triggering conditions, 93
  IORequest structures, 89
  joystick controller, 90
  joystick controller, 93
  mouse controller, 90
  mouse controller, 92
  opening, 89
  reading, 91
  setting controller type, 94
  setting triggering conditions, 92
  triggering events, 92
  units, 104
  use protocol, 94

Graphic Dumps Index

Graphic Dumps
  additional notes, 194

HP_LaserJet Driver Index

HP_LaserJet Driver, 231
  data.c, 235
  density.c, 242
  dospecial.c, 237
  hp_rev.i, 233
  init.asm, 233
  macros.i, 231
  printertag.asm, 232
  render.c, 240
  transfer.asm, 243
  transfer.c, 242

I Index

I/O request, 2 - creating, 2
IDCMP, 114
iffparse.library, 35, 38, 353
IFF -->
Index Pulse, 317
IND_SETMPORT command, 107
IND_SETMTRIG command, 107
IND_SETPERIOD Command, 113
IND_SETTHRESH Command, 112
IND_WRITEEVENT command, 110
Input Device -->
Input Event Chain, 108 - multiple events, 108 - new events, 108
Input Events - generators of, 109 - Intuition handling of, 108
Input Qualifiers, 114
Input Request Block, 103
InputHandler.a, 116
International Phonetic Alphabet, 144
Interrupt, 314
Intuition - as input device handler, 108 - mouse input, 104
IOAudio, 16
IOB_QUICK flag, 271
IOClipReq, 37
IOExtPar, 161
IOExtSer, 267
IOStdReq Structure, 63, 89, 249
io_ParFlags, 166
io_PTermArray, 163, 165
io_SerFlags, 276
io_TermArray, 272

IFF Index

  chunk, 352
  color map chunk, 352
  definition, 351
  file contents, 351
  file extensibility, 354
  FORM and chunk registry, 429
  FORM, 352
  ILBM, 352
  introduction, 351

Input Device Index

Input Device, 101
  adding a handler, 108
  additional information, 118
  and Intuition, 114
  closing, 106
  commands and functions, 102
  designing an input handler, 108
  determining current qualifiers, 113
  device interface, 103
  event handler, 108
  generating input events, 109
  input events, 105
  key repeat events, 113
  memory deallocation, 109
  new features, 101
  opening, 103
  PeekQualifier(), 113
  removing a handler, 109
  setting key repeat interval, 113
  setting key repeat timing, 112
  setting mouse port report, 107
  setting mouse port, 107
  setting the mouse position, 110
  time specification, 104

J,K,L Index

Joystick Controller, 90, 93

KBD_READEVENT command, 128
KBD_READMATRIX command, 121
Keyboard Device -->
Keyboard_Events.c, 128
KeyHandler.a, 127
Key_Reset.c, 125

Light Pen, 90

Keyboard Device Index

Keyboard Device, 104, 119
  adding a reset handler routine, 124
  additional information, 130
  closing, 121
  commands and functions, 120
  device interface, 121
  IORequest structures, 121
  keyboard events, 119
  opening, 121
  reading keyboard events, 128
  reading the keyboard matrix, 121
  removing a reset handler routine, 124
  signaling the end of a reset routine, 124

M,N,O Index

macros.i, 210
Makeup Of Speech, 144
Message Port, 2 - creating, 2
MFM encoding, 315, 316
MICROHZ Timer Unit, 288
Misc Resource -->
Mouse Button Events, 104
Mouse Controller, 90, 92
Mouse Movement Events, 104
mouth_rb -->
Multiple Asynchronous I/O requests, 5
Multiple_Timers.c, 293

Narrator Device -->
narrator_rb -->
NDF_NEWIORB flag, 135, 138
NDF_SYLSYNC flag, 138
NDF_WORDSYNC flag, 138

OpenDevice(), 3
Opening A Device, 3
OpenResource, 324

Misc Resource Index

Misc Resource, 280, 338
  additional information, 343
  allocation, 339
  functions, 339

mouth_rb Index

  sync field values, 141

Narrator Device Index

Narrator Device, 131
  additional information, 158
  closing, 136
  CMD_READ, 134
  CMD_WRITE, 134
  commands and functions, 132
  controlling speech characteristics, 136
  device interface, 133
  dialect, 136
  introduction, 134
  mouth movement IORequest, 133, 135
  mouth movements, 141
  new features, 131
  OpenDevice() flags, 135
  opening, 135
  phonemes, 143
  Punctuating phonetic strings, 144
  reading, 141
  speaking, 136
  speech IORequest, 133
  syllable synchronization, 141
  technical explanation, 149
  word synchronization, 141
  writing phonetically, 143
  writing, 136

narrator_rb Index

  field descriptions, 136
  field descriptions, 137
  field descriptions, 138

P Index

Parallel Device -->
Parallel.c, 167
PARF_ACKMODE flag, 166
PARF_EOFMODE flag, 163, 166
PARF_SHARED flag, 161, 166
PBFB_NOMOUNT flag, 256
PDCMD_QUERY command, 166
PDCMD_SETPARAMS command, 165
PeekQualifier(), 113
Pending Post, 41
Phonemes -->
POTGO Resource, 343
Potgo Resource - additional information, 345 - functions, 343
PRD_DUMPRPORT command, 187
PRD_PRTCOMMAND command, 178
PRD_QUERY command, 186
PRD_RAWWRITE command, 177
Pre_V36_Device_Use.c, 9
Printer Device -->
Printer Driver -->
printerIO Union, 175
printertag.asm, 196 - fields, 200 - parts, 197
Printer_Data.c, 181
PRT:, 173 - closing, 174 - opening, 173 - writing output, 173
PStat - printer device status structure, 186

Parallel Device Index

Parallel Device, 159
  additional information, 168
  break conditions, 163
  closing, 162
  commands and functions, 160
  device interface, 161
  EOF mode, 163
  error codes, 167
  flags, 166
  io_PTermArray, 163, 165
  null-terminated write, 162
  opening, 161
  parameters, 165
  querying the device, 166
  reading, 162
  setting parameters, 165
  status bits, 166
  terminating a read or write, 163
  writing, 162

Phonemes Index

Phonemes, 143
  consonant groups, 145
  consonants, 143
  contraction and special symbols, 145
  contractions, 144
  digits and punctuation, 144
  diphthongs, 143, 145
  example text, 149
  glottal stop, 146
  hints for intelligibility, 148
  punctuation, 148
  sentence length, 148
  special symbols, 144
  stress and intonation, 146, 147
  stress mark placement rules, 146
  vowel groups, 145
  vowels, 143

Printer Device Index

Printer Device, 171
  access, 173
  additional information, 246
  alphanumeric drivers, 198
  changing printer preferences, 182
  closing AmigaDOS printer device, 174
  closing, 177
  commands and functions, 172, 179
  CommandTable, 198
  creating drivers, 196
  data structures, 175
  device interface, 175
  direct use, 173
  double buffering, 204
  driver modules, 196
  dumping a RastPort, 187
  dumping buffer, 205
  error codes, 187
  Exec printer I/O, 175
  graphic driver modules, 196
  graphic preferences, 183
  graphics printer drivers, 203
  ISO color table, 181
  NULL-terminated writes, 177
  obtaining printer data, 181
  opening AmigaDOS printer device, 173
  opening, 175
  parallel status bits, 186
  Preferences, 198
  print request guidelines, 177
  printer command definitions, 178
  printer special flags, 188
  printing with corrected aspect ratio, 189
  processes and tasks, 174
  querying the device, 185
  sending printer commands, 178
  serial status bits, 186
  strip printing, 193
  suggested typefaces, 181
  text preferences, 182
  timeout, 198
  two methods of output, 173
  using directly, 175
  writing processed text, 176
  writing unprocessed text, 176

Printer Driver Index

Printer Driver, 171, 196
  buffer deallocation, 206
  character conversion routine, 201
  CommandTable, 198
  DoSpecial(), 199
  driver modules, 196
  example source code, 209
  extended character table, 200
  graphic driver modules, 196, 203
  printertag.asm, 208
  Render(), 203
  SetDensity(), 208
  testing, 209
  Transfer(), 206

Q,R Index

Query_Serial.c, 341
Quick I/O, 4, 271

RastPort -->
Read_BattClock.c, 326
Read_Keyboard_Matrix.c, 122
Read_Potinp.c, 343
Render() -->
ReplyMsg(), 292
Reset Handlers, 124
Resources -->
RigidDiskBlock -->
Run Length Encoding, 205

RastPort Index

RastPort, 187, 193
  building dimensions, 189
  dump arguments, 188
  printing a non-displayed, 189

Render() Index

Render(), 203
  cases, 203
  clearing and initializing pixel buffer, 205
  closing down, 206
  dumping a pixel buffer, 205
  master initialization, 203
  pre-master initialization, 203
  putting pixels in a buffer, 205
  switching to next color, 206

Resources Index

Resources, 323
  BattClock Resource, 325
  BattMem Resource, 327
  CIA resource, 328
  Disk resource, 335
  FileSystem resource, 337
  include files, 325
  interface, 324
  listing, 324
  Misc resource, 338
  OpenResource(), 324
  Potgo Resource, 343

RigidDiskBlock Index

RigidDiskBlock, 253
  creation, 253
  non-ROM filing system, 257
  specification, 253
  use of information, 256

S Index

SatisfyMsg, 40
SCSI Device -->
SCSI-Direct, 250 - ModeSense setup, 251 - SCSICmd, 251
SCSICmd, 251 - fields, 252
SCSI_Direct.c, 260
SDCMD_QUERY command, 278
SDCMD_SETPARAMS command, 275
Sending A Command To A Device, 4
SendIO(), 4, 5, 270
SERF_7WIRE flag, 267
SERF_EOFMODE flag, 272
SERF_SHARED flag, 267
Serial Device -->
SetDensity(), 208
Setting The Mouse Position -->
Set_Mouse.c, 111
Set_Prefs.c, 183
Simple_Serial.c, 268
Simple_Timer.c, 299
Sound Synthesis, 13
Speak_Narrator.c, 139
Speech Output - introduction, 134
Strip Printing -->
Structures -->
SubTime(), 295
Swap_Buttons.c, 115
Sync'ed Read and Write Limitations, 316
System Time, 290

SCSI Device Index

SCSI Device, 247
  additional information, 263
  closing, 250
  commands and functions, 248
  device interface, 249
  opening, 249
  RigidDiskBlock, 253
  SCSI-direct, 250
  system functions, 248
  unit numbers, 249

Serial Device Index

Serial Device, 265
  additional information, 284
  alternative I/O modes, 270
  break command, 279
  break conditions, 272
  buffered characters, 267
  closing, 268
  commands and functions, 266
  device characteristics, 265
  device interface, 266
  EOF mode, 272
  error codes, 279
  high speed operation, 271
  io_TermArray, 272
  multiple ports, 280
  NULL-terminated write, 268
  opening, 267
  parameters, 275
  querying the device, 278
  quick I/O, 271
  reading, 267
  separate tasks, 273
  serial flags, 276
  setting parameters, 275
  status bits, 278
  terminating the read, 272
  using BeginIO(), 271
  writing, 268

Setting The Mouse Position Index

Setting The Mouse Position
  basic method, 110
  pre-V36 absolute position, 110
  pre-V36 relative position, 110
  V36 absolute position, 110
  V36 normalized position, 110
  V36 relative position, 110

Strip Printing Index

Strip Printing, 193
  aspect-ratio-corrected image, 194
  height of strip, 194
  procedure, 194
  smoothing, 194

Structures Index

  DriveGeometry, 309
  EClockVal, 287
  GamePortTrigger, 92
  GamePortTrigger, 107
  IEPointerPixel, 106
  IEPointerTablet, 106
  InputEvent, 91, 104, 106, 110
  Interrupt, 106
  IOAudio, 16
  IOClipReq, 37
  IODRPReq, 175
  IODRPReq, 187
  IOExtPar, 161
  IOExtSer, 267
  IOExtTD, 305
  IOExtTD, 305
  IOPrtCmdReq, 175
  IOStdReq, 103, 175, 249
  mouth_rb, 133
  narrator_rb, 133
  PrinterData, 181
  PrinterData, 197
  PrinterExtendedData, 181
  printerIO, 175
  PrinterSegment, 196
  SatisfyMsg, 40
  SCSICmd, 251
  timerequest, 103, 112, 113, 287
  timeval, 287

T Index

Taking Over The Serial Hardware, 280
TDF_ALLOW_NON_3_5 flag, 307
TD_CHANGENUM Command, 313
TD_FORMAT Command, 311
TD_GETDRIVETYPE command, 312
TD_GETGEOMETRY command, 309
TD_MOTOR Command, 310
TD_PROTSTATUS Command, 312
TD_RAWREAD Command, 315
TD_RAWWRITE Command, 316
TD_SEEK Command, 314
Terminate_Parallel.c, 163
Terminate_Serial.c, 272
Text To Speech - introduction, 134
Time Events, 104
Timer Device -->
TimerBase Variable, 289
Timer_Arithmetic.c, 295
Trackdisk Device -->
Track_Copy.c, 318
Transfer(), 206 - dithering, 206
Translator Library, 134 - example fragment, 134
TR_GETSYSTIME command, 290
TR_SETSYSTIME Command, 290

Timer Device Index

Timer Device, 104, 285
  adding a time request, 291
  additional information, 302
  closing, 290
  commands and functions, 286
  device interface, 287
  E-Clock time, 287, 298
  functions, 287
  multiple timer requests, 293
  opening for device functions, 289
  opening multiple times, 293
  opening, 289
  time alarms, 292
  time arithmetic functions, 295
  time delays, 292
  time requests, 287
  units, 288
  uses of time arithmetic, 296

Trackdisk Device Index

Trackdisk Device, 303
  adding an interrupt handler, 314
  additional information, 322
  byte offset calculation, 307
  clearing the track buffer, 310
  closing, 308
  commands and functions, 304
  controlling the drive motor, 310
  determining drive geometry, 309
  determining the diskchange number, 313
  determing write-protect status, 312
  determining drive type, 312
  determining the number of tracks, 312
  determining the presence of a disk, 312
  device interface, 305
  diagnostic commands, 314
  ejecting a disk, 311
  enhanced commands, 305
  error codes, 317
  floppy disk I/O, 306
  formatting a track, 311
  iotd_Count, 305
  low-level access, 315
  moving the drive head, 314
  notification of disk changes, 314
  opening, 307
  reading raw data, 315
  reading, 307
  removing an interrupt handler, 314
  restrictions, 306
  sector label, 306
  status commands, 311
  updating a track sector, 310
  writing raw data, 316
  writing, 308

U,V,W Index

Using a Device, 3
utility.library, 290, 325

V36_Device_Use.c, 10
VBLANK Timer Unit, 288
Vertical Blank Frequency - find current VB frequency, 92

Wait(), 6, 18, 270
WAITECLOCK Timer Unit, 288
WaitIO(), 6, 7
WaitPort(), 6, 18
WAITUNTIL Timer Unit, 288
Window structure, 66

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