Amiga® RKM Devices: 7 Keyboard Device

The keyboard device gives low-level access to the Amiga keyboard.  When
you send this device the command to read one or more keystrokes from the
keyboard, for each keystroke (whether key-up or key-down) the keyboard
device creates a data structure called an input event to describe what
happened. The keyboard device also provides the ability to do operations
within the system reset processing (Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga).

 Keyboard Device Commands and Functions 
 Device Interface 
 Reading the Keyboard Matrix 
 Amiga Reset Handling 
 Reading Keyboard Events 
 Additional Information on the Keyboard Device 

7 Keyboard Device / Keyboard Device Commands and Functions

Command               Operation
-------               ---------
CMD_CLEAR             Clear the keyboard input buffer.  Removes any key
                      transitions from the input buffer.

KBD_ADDRESETHANDLER   Add a reset handler function to the list of
                      functions called  by the keyboard device to clean up
                      before a hard reset.

KBD_REMRESETHANDLER   Remove a previously added reset handler from the
                      list of functions called by the keyboard device to
                      clean up before a hard reset.

KBD_RESETHANDLERDONE  Indicate that a handler has completed its job and
                      reset could possibly occur now.

KBD_READMATRIX        Read the state of every key in the keyboard.  Tells
                      the up/down state of every key.

KBD_READEVENT         Read one (or more) raw key event from the keyboard

Exec Functions as Used in This Chapter
AbortIO()             Abort a command to the keyboard device.

AllocMem()            Allocate a block of memory.

CheckIO()             Return the status of an I/O request.

CloseDevice()         Relinquish use of the keyboard device.

DoIO()                Initiate a command and wait for it to complete
                      (synchronous request).

FreeMem()             Free a block of previously allocated memory.

OpenDevice()          Obtain use of the keyboard device.

SendIO()              Initiate a command and return immediately
                      (asynchronous request).

WaitIO()              Wait for the completion of an asynchronous request.
                      When the request is complete the message will be
                      removed from reply port.

Exec Support Functions as Used in This Chapter
CreateExtIO()         Create an extended I/O request structure.  This
                      structure will be used to communicate commands to
                      the keyboard device.

CreatePort()          Create a signal message port for reply messages from
                      the keyboard device.  Exec will signal a task when a
                      message arrives at the port.

DeleteExtIO()         Delete an extended I/O request structure created by

DeletePort()          Delete the message port created by CreatePort().

7 Keyboard Device / Device Interface

The keyboard device operates like the other Amiga devices.  To use it, you
must first open the keyboard device, then send I/O requests to it, and
then close it when finished.  See the "Introduction to Amiga System Devices"
chapter for general information on device usage.

The I/O request used by the keyboard device is called IOStdReq.

    struct IOStdReq
        struct  Message io_Message;
        struct  Device  *io_Device; /* device node pointer  */
        struct  Unit    *io_Unit;   /* unit (driver private)*/
        UWORD   io_Command;         /* device command */
        UBYTE   io_Flags;
        BYTE    io_Error;        /* error or warning num */
        ULONG   io_Actual;       /* actual number of bytes transferred */
        ULONG   io_Length;       /* requested number bytes transferred*/
        APTR    io_Data;         /* points to data area */
        ULONG   io_Offset;       /* offset for block structured devices */

See the include file exec/io.h for the complete structure definition.

 Opening The Keyboard Device 
 Closing The Keyboard Device 

7 / Device Interface / Opening The Keyboard Device

Three primary steps are required to open the keyboard device:

   *  Create a message port using the CreatePort() function.

   *  Create an extended I/O request structure using the CreateExtIO()
      function. CreateExtIO() will initialize the I/O request with your
      reply port.

   *  Open the keyboard device. Call OpenDevice(), passing the I/O request.

struct MsgPort  *KeyMP;         /* Pointer for Message Port */
struct IOStdReq *KeyIO;         /* Pointer for I/O request */

if (KeyMP=CreatePort(NULL,NULL))
  if (KeyIO=(struct IOStdReq *)CreateExtIO(KeyMP,sizeof(struct IOStdReq)))
    if (OpenDevice( "keyboard.device",NULL,(struct IORequest *)KeyIO,NULL))
        printf("keyboard.device did not open\n");

7 / Device Interface / Closing The Keyboard Device

An OpenDevice() must eventually be matched by a call to CloseDevice().

All I/O requests must be complete before CloseDevice().  If any requests
are still pending, abort them with AbortIO() and remove them with WaitIO().

   if (!(CheckIO(KeyIO)))
       AbortIO(KeyIO);  /* Ask device to abort request, if pending */
       WaitIO(KeyIO);   /* Wait for abort, then clean up */

7 Keyboard Device / Reading the Keyboard Matrix

The KBD_READMATRIX command returns the current state of every key in the
key matrix (up = 0,  down = 1). You provide a data area that is at least
large enough to hold one bit per key, approximately 16 bytes.  The
keyboard layout for the A500, A2000 and A3000 is shown in the figure
below, indicating the raw numeric value that each key transmits when it is
pressed.  This value is the numeric position that the key occupies in the
key matrix.

 Figure 7-1 - Keyboard Layout  Figure 7-1 - Keyboard Layout 

The following example will read the key matrix and display the up-down
state of all of the elements in the matrix in a table.  Reading the column
header and then the row number as a hex number gives you the raw key code.


In addition to the matrix data returned in io_Data, io_Actual
returns the number of bytes filled in io_Data with key matrix data,
i.e., the minimum of the supplied length and the internal key matrix

    Value of io_Length.
    A value of 13 in the io_Length field will be sufficient for most
    keyboards; extended keyboards will require a larger number.  However,
    you must always set this field to 13 for V34 and earlier versions of

To find the status of a particular key - for example, to find out if the
F2 key is down - you find the bit that specifies the current state by
dividing the key matrix value by 8. Since hex 51 = 81, this indicates that
the bit is in byte number 10 of the matrix. Then take the same number
(decimal 81) and use modulo 8 to determine which bit position within that
byte represents the state of the key. This yields a value of 1. So, by
reading bit position 1 of byte number 10, you determine the status of the
function key F2.

7 Keyboard Device / Amiga Reset Handling

 When a user presses the Ctrl key and both left- and right-Amiga keys
simulataneously (the reset sequence), the keyboard device senses this and
calls a prioritized chain of reset-handlers. These might be thought of as
clean-up routines that "must" be performed before reset is allowed to
occur. For example, if a disk write is in progress, the system should
finish that before resetting the hardware so as not to corrupt the
contents of the disk.

It is important to note that not all Amigas handle reset processing in the
same way.  On the A500, the reset key sequence sends a hardware reset
signal and never goes through the reset handlers.  Also some of the early
A2000s (i.e., German keyboards with the function keys the same size as the
Esc key) do not handle the reset via the reset handlers.  It is thus
recommended that your application not rely on the reset handler abilities
of the keyboard device.

 Adding A Reset Handler (KBD_ADDRESETHANDLER) 
 Removing A Reset Handler (KBD_REMRESETHANDLER) 

7 / Amiga Reset Handling / Adding A Reset Handler (KBD_ADDRESETHANDLER)

The KBD_ADDRESETHANDLER command adds a custom routine to the chain of
reset-handlers.  Reset handlers are just like any other handler and are
added to the handler list with an Interrupt structure.  The priority field
in the list node of the Interrupt structure establishes the sequence in
which reset handlers are processed by the system.  Keyboard reset handlers
are currently limited to the priority values of a software interrupt, that
is, values of -32, -16, 0, 16, and 32.

The io_Data field of the I/O request is filled in with a pointer to the
Interrupt structure and the io_Command field is set to
KBD_ADDRESETHANDLER.  These are the only two fields you need to initialize
to add a reset handler.  Any return value from the command is ignored.
All keyboard reset handlers are activated if time permits.  Normally, a
reset handler will just signal the requisite task and return.  The task
then does whatever processing it needs to do and notifies the system that
it is done by using the KBD_RESETHANDLERDONE command described below.

   Non-interference and speed are the keys to success.
   If you add your own handler to the chain, you must ensure that your
   handler allows the rest of reset processing to occur.  Reset must
   continue to function.  Also, if you don't execute your reset code
   fast enough, the system will still reboot (about 10 seconds).

7 / Amiga Reset Handling / Removing A Reset Handler (KBD_REMRESETHANDLER)

This command is used to remove a keyboard reset handler from the system.
You need to supply the same Interrupt structure to this command that you
used with the KBD_ADDRESETHANDLER command.

7 / Amiga Reset Handling / Ending A Reset Task (KBD_RESETHANDLERDONE)

This command tells the system that your reset handling code has completed.
If you are the last outstanding reset handler, the system will reset after
this call.

    Can't Stop, Got No Brakes.
    After 10 seconds, the system will reboot, regardless of outstanding
    reset handlers.

Here is an example program that installs a reset handler and either waits
for the reboot or for the user to close the window. If there was a reboot,
the window will close and, if executed from the shell, it will display a
few messages. If the user closes the window, the handler is removed and
the program exits cleanly.


7 Keyboard Device / Reading Keyboard Events

Reading keyboard events is normally not done through direct access to the
keyboard device. (Higher level devices such as the input device and
console device are available for this.  See the chapter Input Device
for more information on the intimate linkage between the input device and
the keyboard device.)  This section is provided primarily to show you the
component parts of a keyboard input event.

The keyboard matrix figure shown at the beginning of this chapter gives
the code value that each key places into the ie_Code field of the input
event for a key-down event. For a key-up event, a value of hexadecimal 80
is or'ed with the value shown above. Additionally, if either shift key is
down, or if the key is one of those in the numeric keypad, the qualifier
field of the keyboard input event will be filled in accordingly. In V34
and earlier versions of Kickstart, the keyboard device does not set the
numeric qualifier for the keypad keys "(", ")", "/", "*" and "+".

When you ask to read events from the keyboard, the call will not be
satisfied until at least one keyboard event is available to be returned.
The io_Length field must contain the number of bytes available in io_Data
to insert events into. Thus, you should use a multiple of the number of
bytes in an InputEvent (see example below).

    Type-Ahead Processing.
    The keyboard device can queue up several keystrokes without a task
    requesting a report of keyboard events. However, when the keyboard
    event buffer has been filled with no task interaction, additional
    keystrokes will be discarded.

     Example Read Keyboard Event Program 

7 Keyboard Device / Additional Information on the Keyboard Device

Additional programming information on the keyboard device can be found in
the include files for the keyboard and input devices and the Autodocs for
the keyboard device.  All are contained in the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
Manual: Includes and Autodocs.

                       Keyboard Device Information
                     INCLUDES     devices/keyboard.h

                     AUTODOCS     keyboard.doc

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