Amiga® RKM Libraries: 35 Math Libraries

This chapter describes the structure and calling sequences required to
access the Motorola Fast Floating Point (FFP), the IEEE single-precision
math libraries and the IEEE double-precision math libraries via the
Amiga-supplied interfaces.

In its present state, the FFP library consists of three separate entities:
the basic math library, the transcendental math library, and C and
assembly-language interfaces to the basic math library plus FFP conversion
functions.  The IEEE single-precision, introduced in Release 2, and the
double-precision libraries each presently consists of two entities: the
basic math library and the transcendental math library.

    Open Each Library Separately.
    Each Task using an IEEE math library must open the library itself.
    Library base pointers to these libraries may not be shared.
    Libraries can be context sensitive and may use the Task structure to
    keep track of the current context.  Sharing of library bases by Tasks
    may seem to work in some systems.  This is true for any of the IEEE
    math libraries.

Depending on the compiler used, it is not always necessary to explicitly
call the library functions for basic floating point operations as adding,
subtracting, dividing, etc.  Consult the manual supplied with the compiler
for information regarding the compiler options for floating point

 Math Libraries and Functions 
 FFP Floating Point Data Format 
 FFP Basic Mathematics Library 
 FFP Transcendental Mathematics Library 
 FFP Mathematics Conversion Library 
 IEEE Single-Precision Data Format 
 IEEE Single-Precision Basic Math Library 
 IEEE Single-Precision Transcendental Math Library 
 IEEE Double-Precision Data Format 
 IEEE Double-Precision Basic Math Library 
 IEEE Double-Precision Transcendental Math Library 
 Function Reference 
 Compile and Link Commands for SAS C 5.10 

35 Math Libraries / Math Libraries and Functions

There are six math libraries providing functions ranging from adding two
floating point numbers to calculating a hyperbolic cosine.  They are:

    the basic function library

    the FFP transcendental math library

    the IEEE single-precision library

    the IEEE single-precision transcendental library

    the IEEE double-precision library

    the IEEE double-precision transcendental library

35 Math Libraries / FFP Floating Point Data Format

FFP floating-point variables are defined within C by the float or FLOAT
directive. In assembly language they are simply defined by a DC.L/DS.L
statement. All FFP floating-point variables are defined as 32-bit entities
(longwords) with the following format:

        |                                             |
        | 31          23          15          7       |

The mantissa is considered to be a binary fixed-point fraction; except for
0, it is always normalized (the mantissa is shifted over and the exponent
adjusted, so that the mantissa has a 1 bit in its highest position).
Thus, it represents a value of less than 1 but greater than or equal to

The sign bit is reset (0) for a positive value and set (1) for a negative

The exponent is the power of two needed to correctly position the mantissa
to reflect the number's true arithmetic value.  It is held in excess-64
notation, which means that the two's-complement values are adjusted upward
by 64, thus changing $40 (-64) through $3F (+63) to $00 through $7F.  This
facilitates comparisons among floating-point values.

The value of 0 is defined as all 32 bits being 0s.  The sign, exponent,
and mantissa are entirely cleared.  Thus, 0s are always treated as

The range allowed by this format is as follows:


         9.22337177 * 10^18 > +VALUE > 5.42101070 * 10^-20
        -9.22337177 * 10^18 < -VALUE < -2.71050535 * 10^-20


         .FFFFFF * 2^63 > +VALUE > .800000 * 2^-63
        -.FFFFFF * 2^63 < -VALUE < -.800000 * 2^-64

Remember that you cannot perform any arithmetic on these variables without
using the fast floating-point libraries.  The formats of the variables are
incompatible with the arithmetic format of C-generated code; hence, all
floating-point operations are performed through function calls.

35 Math Libraries / FFP Basic Mathematics Library

The FFP basic math library contains entries for the basic mathematics
functions such as add, subtract and divide.  It resides in ROM and is
opened by calling OpenLibrary() with "mathffp.library" as the argument.



    struct Library *MathBase;

    VOID main()
    if (MathBase = OpenLibrary("mathffp.library", 0))
               . . .

        printf("Can't open mathffp.library\n");

The global variable MathBase is used internally for all future library

 FFP Basic Functions 

35 / FFP Basic Mathematics Library / FFP Basic Functions

SPAbs()    FLOAT SPAbs( FLOAT parm );
Take absolute value of FFP variable.

SPAdd()    FLOAT SPAdd( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm);
    Add two FFP variables.

SPCeil()   FLOAT SPCeil( FLOAT parm ); 
    Computer largest integer less than or equal to variable.

SPCmp()    LONG  SPCmp( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm);
    Compare two FFP variables.

SPDiv()    FLOAT SPDiv( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm);
    Divide two FFP variables.

SPFix()    LONG  SPFix( FLOAT parm );
    Convert FFP variable to integer.

SPFloor()  FLOAT SPFloor( FLOAT parm );
    Compute least integer greater than or equal to variable.

SPFlt()    FLOAT SPFlt( long integer );
    Convert integer variable to FFP.

SPMul()    FLOAT SPMul( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm);
    Multiply two FFP variables.

SPNeg()    FLOAT SPNeg( FLOAT parm );
    Take two's complement of FFP variable.

SPSub()    FLOAT SPSub( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm);
    Subtract two FFP variables.

SPTst()    LONG  SPTst( FLOAT parm );
    Test an FFP variable against zero.

Be sure to include the proper data type definitions shown below.



    struct Library *MathBase;

    VOID main()
    FLOAT f1, f2, f3;
    LONG   i1;

    if (MathBase = OpenLibrary("mathffp.library", 0))
        i1 = SPFix(f1);            /* Call SPFix entry */
        f1 = SPFlt(i1);            /* Call SPFlt entry */

        if (SPCmp(f1,f2)) {};      /* Call SPCmp entry */
        if (!(SPTst(f1))) {};      /* Call SPTst entry */

        f1 = SPAbs(f2);            /* Call SPAbs entry */
        f1 = SPNeg(f2);            /* Call SPNeg entry */
        f1 = SPAdd(f2, f3);        /* Call SPAdd entry */
        f1 = SPSub(f2, f3);        /* Call SPSub entry */
        f1 = SPMul(f2, f3);        /* Call SPMul entry */
        f1 = SPDiv(f2, f3);        /* Call SPDiv entry */
        f1 = SPCeil(f2);           /* Call SPCeil entry */
        f1 = SPFloor(f2);          /* Call SPFloor entry */

        printf("Can't open mathffp.library\n");

The assembly language interface to the FFP basic math routines is shown
below, including some details about how the system flags are affected by
each operation.  The access mechanism is:

        MOVEA.L _MathBase,A6
        JSR _LVOSPFix(A6)

 |                                                                  |
 |                FFP Basic Assembly Functions                      |
 |                                                                  |
 | Function      Input         Output               Condition Codes |
 |             |             |                    |                 |
 | _LVOSPAbs   | D0=FFP arg  | D0=FFP absolute    | N=0             |
 |             |             |        value       | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPAdd   | D1=FFP arg1 | D0=FFP addition    | N=1 if result   |
 |             | D0=FFP arg2 |    of arg1 + arg2  |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     overflowed  |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPCeil  | D0=FFP arg  | D0=least integer   | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             | >=arg              |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPCmp   | D1=FFP arg1 | D0=+1 if arg1>arg2 | N=0             |
 |             | D0=FFP arg2 | D0=-1 if arg1arg1    |
 |             |             |                    | GE=arg2>=arg1   |
 |             |             |                    | EQ=arg2=arg1    |
 |             |             |                    | NE=arg2<>arg1   |
 |             |             |                    | LT=arg20.0   | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             | D0=-1 if arg<0.0   |     is negative |
 |             |             | D0=0 if arg=0.0    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 |             | Note: This  |                    | EQ=arg=0.0      |
 |             | routine     |                    | NE=arg<>0.0     |
 |             | trashes the |                    | PL=arg>=0.0     |
 |             | arg in D1.  |                    | MI=arg<0.0      |

35 Math Libraries / FFP Transcendental Mathematics Library

The FFP transcendental math library contains entries for the
transcendental math functions sine, cosine, and square root. It resides on
disk and is opened by calling OpenLibrary() with "mathtrans.library" as
the argument.



    struct Library *MathTransBase;

    VOID main()
    if (MathTransBase = OpenLibrary("mathtrans.library",0))
        printf("Can't open mathtrans.library\n");

The global variable MathTransBase is used internally for all future
library references.  Note that the transcendental math library is
dependent upon the basic math library, which it will open if it is not
open already.  If you want to use the basic math functions in conjunction
with the transcendental math functions however, you have to specifically
open the basic math library yourself.

 FFP Transcendental Functions 

35 / Transcendental Mathematics Library / FFP Transcendental Functions

SPAsin()   FLOAT SPAsin( FLOAT parm );
    Return arccosine of FFP variable.

SPAcos()   FLOAT SPAcos( FLOAT parm );
    Return arctangent of FFP variable.

SPAtan()   FLOAT SPAtan( FLOAT parm );
    Return arcsine of FFP variable.

SPSin()    FLOAT SPSin( FLOAT parm );
    Return sine of FFP variable. This function accepts an FFP radian
    argument and returns the trigonometric sine value.  For extremely
    large arguments where little or no precision would result, the
    computation is aborted and the "V" condition code is set.  A direct
    return to the caller is made.

SPCos()    FLOAT SPCos( FLOAT parm );
    Return cosine of FFP variable.  This function accepts an FFP radian
    argument and returns the trigonometric cosine value.  For extremely
    large arguments where little or no precision would result, the
    computation is aborted and the "V" condition code is set.  A direct
    return to the caller is made.

SPTan()    FLOAT SPTan( FLOAT parm );
    Return tangent of FFP variable.  This function accepts an FFP radian
    argument and returns the trigonometric tangent value.  For extremely
    large arguments where little or no precision would result, the
    computation is aborted and the "V" condition code is set.  A direct
    return to the caller is made.

SPSincos() FLOAT SPSincos( FLOAT *cosResult, FLOAT parm);
    Return sine and cosine of FFP variable.  This function accepts an FFP
    radian argument and returns the trigonometric sine as its result and
    the trigonometric cosine in the first parameter.  If both the sine
    and cosine are required for a single radian value, this function will
    result in almost twice the execution speed of calling the SPSin() and
    SPCos() functions independently.  For extremely large arguments where
    little or no precision would result, the computation is aborted and
    the "V" condition code is set.  A direct return to the caller is made.

SPSinh()   FLOAT SPSinh( FLOAT parm );
    Return hyperbolic sine of FFP variable.

SPCosh()   FLOAT SPCosh( FLOAT parm );
    Return hyperbolic cosine of FFP variable.

SPTanh()   FLOAT SPTanh( FLOAT parm );
    Return hyperbolic tangent of FFP variable.

SPExp()    FLOAT SPExp( FLOAT parm );
    Return e to the FFP variable power.  This function accepts an FFP
    argument and returns the result representing the value of e
    (2.71828...) raised to that power.

SPLog()    FLOAT SPLog( FLOAT parm );
    Return natural log (base e) of FFP variable.

SPLog10()  FLOAT SPLog10( FLOAT parm );
    Return log (base 10) of FFP variable.

SPPow() FLOAT SPPow( FLOAT power, FLOAT arg );
    Return FFP arg2 to FFP arg1.

SPSqrt()   FLOAT SPSqrt( FLOAT parm );
    Return square root of FFP variable.

SPTieee()  FLOAT SPTieee( FLOAT parm );
    Convert FFP variable to IEEE format

SPFieee()  FLOAT SPFieee( FLOAT parm );
    Convert IEEE variable to FFP format.

Be sure to include proper data type definitions, as shown in the example


The Amiga assembly language interface to the FFP transcendental math
routines is shown below, including some details about how the system flags
are affected by the operation.  This interface resides in the library file
amiga.lib and must be linked with the user code. Note that the access
mechanism from assembly language is:

        MOVEA.L _MathTransBase,A6
        JSR     _LVOSPAsin(A6)

 |                                                                       |
 |               FFP Transcendental Assembly Functions                   |
 |                                                                       |
 | Function       Input            Output               Condition Codes  |
 |              |                |                    |                  |
 | _LVOSPAsin   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP arcsine     | N=0              |
 |              |                |    radian          | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=0              |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPAcos   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP arccosine   | N=0              |
 |              |                |    radian          | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if overflow  |
 |              |                |                    |     occurred     |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPAtan   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP arctangent  | N=0              |
 |              |                |    radian          | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=0              |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPSin    | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP sine        | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  |                    |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    | is meaningless   |
 |              |                |                    | (input magnitude |
 |              |                |                    |  too large)      |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPCos    | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP cosine      | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  |                    |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    | is meaningless   |
 |              |                |                    | (input magnitude |
 |              |                |                    |  too large)      |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPTan    | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP tangent     | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  |                    |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    | is meaningless   |
 |              |                |                    | (input magnitude |
 |              |                |                    |  too large)      |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPSincos | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP sine        | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  | (D1)=FFP cosine    |     is negative  |
 |              | D1=Address     |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |    to store    |                    |     is zero      |
 |              | cosine result  |                    | V=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    | is meaningless   |
 |              |                |                    | (input magnitude |
 |              |                |                    |  too large)      |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPSinh   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP hyperbolic  | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  |    sine            |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if overflow  |
 |              |                |                    |     occurred     |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPCosh   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP hyperbolic  | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  |    cosine          |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if overflow  |
 |              |                |                    |     occurred     |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPTanh   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP hyperbolic  | N=1 if result    |
 |              |    in radians  |    tangent         |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if overflow  |
 |              |                |                    |     occurred     |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | X=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPExp    | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP exponential | N=0              |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if overflow  |
 |              |                |                    |     occurred     |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPLog    | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP natural     | N=1 if result    |
 |              |                |    logarithm       |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if arg is    |
 |              |                |                    | negative or zero |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPLog10  | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP logarithm   | N=1 if result    |
 |              |                |    (base 10)       |     is negative  |
 |              |                |                    |Z=1 if result     |
 |              |                |                    |    is zero       |
 |              |                |                    |V=1 if arg is     |
 |              |                |                    | negative or zero |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPPow    | D0=FFP         | D0=FFP result of   | N=0              |
 |              | exponent value |    arg taken to    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              | D1=FFP         |    exp power       |     is zero      |
 |              | arg value      |                    | V=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     overflowed   |
 |              |                |                    |     or arg < 0   |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPSqrt   | D0=FFP arg     | D0=FFP square root | N=0              |
 |              |                |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if arg was   |
 |              |                |                    |     negative     |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPTieee  | D0=FFP         | D0=IEEE            | N=1 if result    |
 |              | format arg     |    floating-point  |     is negative  |
 |              |                |    format          | Z=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |
 | _LVOSPFieee  | D0=IEEE        | D0=FFP format      | N=undefined      |
 |              | floating-point |                    | Z=1 if result    |
 |              | format arg     |                    |     is zero      |
 |              |                |                    | V=1 if result    |
 |              |                |                    |     overflowed   |
 |              |                |                    | C=undefined      |
 |              |                |                    | Z=undefined      |

35 Math Libraries / FFP Mathematics Conversion Library

The FFP mathematics conversion library provides functions to convert ASCII
strings to their FFP equivalents and vice versa.

It is accessed by linking code into the executable file being created. The
name of the file to include in the library description of the link command
line is amiga.lib.  When this is included, direct calls are made to the
conversion functions.  Only a C interface exists for the conversion
functions; there is no assembly language interface.  The basic math
library is required in order to access these functions.



    struct Library *MathBase;

    VOID main()
    if (MathBase = OpenLibrary("mathffp.library", 33))
               . . .

        printf("Can't open mathffp.library\n");

 Math Support Functions 

35 / FFP Mathematics Conversion Library / Math Support Functions

afp()    FLOAT afp( BYTE *string );
    Convert ASCII string into FFP equivalent.

arnd()   VOID arnd( LONG place, LONG exp, BYTE *string);
    Round ASCII representation of FFP number.

dbf()    FLOAT dbf( ULONG exp, ULONG mant);
    Convert FFP dual-binary number to FFP equivalent.

fpa()    LONG fpa( FLOAT fnum, BYTE *string);
    Convert FFP variable into ASCII equivalent.

Be sure to include proper data type definitions, as shown in the example
below.  Print statements have been included to help clarify the format of
the math conversion function calls.


35 Math Libraries / IEEE Single-Precision Data Format

The IEEE single-precision variables are defined as 32-bit entities with
the following format:

        |                                              |
        | 31          23          15          7        |

    Hidden Bit In The Mantissa.
    There is a "hidden" bit in the mantissa part of the IEEE numbers.
    Since all numbers are normalized, the integer (high) bit of the
    mantissa is dropped off.  The IEEE single-precision range is 1.3E-38
    (1.4E-45 de-normalized) to 3.4E+38.

The exponent is the power of two needed to correctly position the mantissa
to reflect the number's true arithmetic value.  If both the exponent and
the mantissa have zero in every position, the value is zero.  If only the
exponent has zero in every position, the value is an unnormal (extremely
small).  If all bits of the exponent are set to 1 the value is either a
positive or negative infinity or a Not a Number (NaN).  NaN is sometimes
used to indicate an uninitialized variable.

35 Math Libraries / IEEE Single-Precision Basic Math Library

The ROM-based IEEE single-precision basic math library was introduced in
V36.  This library contains entries for the basic IEEE single-precision
mathematics functions, such as add, subtract, and divide.  (Note,
registered developers can license a disk-based version of this library
from CATS, for usage with V33).

The library is opened by making calling OpenLibrary() with
"mathieeesingbas.library" as the argument.  Do not share the library base
pointer between tasks -- see note at beginning of chapter for details.



    struct Library *MathIeeeSingBasBase;

    VOID main()
        /* do not share base pointer between tasks. */
    if (MathIeeeSingBasBase = OpenLibrary("mathieeesingbas.library", 37))
        printf("Can't open mathieeesingbas.library\n");

The global variable MathIeeeSingBasBase is used internally for all future
library references.

If an 680X0/68881/68882 processor combination is available, it will be
used by the IEEE single-precision basic library instead of the software
emulation.  Also, if an autoconfigured math resource is available, that
will be used.  Typically this is a 68881 designed as a 16 bit I/O port,
but it could be another device as well.

 SP IEEE Basic Functions (V36 or Greater) 

35 / SP Basic Math Library / SP IEEE Basic Functions (V36 or Greater)

IEEESPAbs()    FLOAT ( FLOAT parm );
    Take absolute value of IEEE single-precision variable.

IEEESPAdd()    FLOAT IEEESPAdd( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm);
    Add two IEEE single-precision variables.

    Compute least integer greater than or equal to variable.

IEEESPCmp()    LONG  IEEESPCmp( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm );
    Compare two IEEE single-precision variables.

IEEESPDiv()    FLOAT IEEESPDiv( FLOAT dividend, FLOAT divisor );
    Divide two IEEE single-precision variables.

    Convert IEEE single-precision  variable to integer.

    Compute largest integer less than or equal to variable.

IEEESPFlt()    FLOAT IEEESPFlt( long integer );
    Convert integer variable to IEEE single-precision.

IEEESPMul()    FLOAT IEEESPMul( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm );
    Multiply two IEEE single-precision variables.

    Take two's complement of IEEE single-precision variable.

IEEESPSub()    FLOAT IEEESPSub( FLOAT leftParm, FLOAT rightParm );
    Subtract two IEEE single-precision variables.

    Test an IEEE single-precision variable against zero.

Be sure to include proper data type definitions, as shown in the example


The Amiga assembly language interface to the IEEE single-precision basic
math routines is shown below, including some details about how the system
flags are affected by each operation.  Note that the access mechanism from
assembly language is as shown below:

        MOVEA.L _MathIeeeSingBasBase,A6
        JSR     _LVOIEEESPFix(A6)

|                                                                         |
|                    SP IEEE Basic Assembly Functions                     |
|                                                                         |
| Function          Input              Output              Condition Codes|
|                 |                  |                    |               |
| _LVOIEEESPFix   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=Integer         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | (two's complement) | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPFlt   | D0=Integer arg   | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 |    (two's        | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |  complement)     |                    | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPCmp   | D0=IEEE arg1     | D0=+1 if arg1>arg2 | N=1 if result |
|                 | single-precision | D0=-1 if arg1arg1  |
|                 |                  |                    | GE=arg2>=arg1 |
|                 |                  |                    | EQ=arg2=arg1  |
|                 |                  |                    | NE=arg2<>arg1 |
|                 |                  |                    | LT=arg20.0   | N=1 if result |
|                 | single-precision | D0=-1 if arg<0.0   |   is negative |
|                 |                  | D0=0 if arg=0.0    | Z=1 if result |
|                 |                  |                    |     is zero   |
|                 |                  |                    | V=0           |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | EQ=arg=0.0    |
|                 |                  |                    | NE=arg<>0.0   |
|                 |                  |                    | PL=arg>=0.0   |
|                 |                  |                    | MI=arg<0.0    |
| _LVOIEEESPAbs   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | absolute value     | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPNeg   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | negated            | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPAdd   | D0=IEEE arg1     | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 | D1=IEEE arg2     | addition of        | V=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | arg1+arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPSub   | D0=IEEE arg1     | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 | D1=IEEE arg2     | subtraction of     | V=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | arg1-arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPMul   | D0=IEEE arg1     | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 | D1=IEEE arg2     | multiplication of  | V=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | arg1*arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPDiv   | D0=IEEE arg1     | D0=IEEE            | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | single-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 | D1=IEEE arg2     | division of        | V=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | arg1/arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPCeil  | D0=IEEE variable | D0=least integer   | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | >= variable        | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEESPFloor | D0=IEEE variable | D0=largest integer | N=undefined   |
|                 | single-precision | <= arg             | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |

35 Math Libraries / IEEE Single-Precision Transcendental Math Library

The IEEE single-precision transcendental math library was introduced in
V36.  It contains entries for transcendental math functions such as sine,
cosine, and square root.

This library resides on disk and is opened by calling OpenLibrary() with
"mathieeesingtrans.library" as the argument.  Do not share the library
base pointer between tasks -- see note at beginning of chapter.


   struct Library *MathIeeeSingTransBase;


   VOID main()
   if (MathIeeeSingTransBase = OpenLibrary("mathieeesingtrans.library",37))
              . . .

   else  printf("Can't open mathieeesingtrans.library\n");

The global variable MathIeeeSingTransBase is used internally for all
future library references.

The IEEE single-precision transcendental math library is dependent upon
the IEEE single-precision basic math library, which it will open if it is
not open already.  If you want to use the IEEE single-precision basic math
functions in conjunction with the transcendental math functions however,
you have to specifically open the basic math library yourself.

Just as the IEEE single-precision basic math library, the IEEE
single-precision transcendental math library will take advantage of a
680X0/68881 combination or another math resource, if present.

 SP IEEE Transcendental Functions (V36 Or Greater) 

35 / / SP IEEE Transcendental Functions (V36 Or Greater)

    Return arcsine of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return arccosine of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return arctangent of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return sine of IEEE single-precision variable.  This function accepts
    an IEEE radian argument and returns the trigonometric sine value.

    Return cosine of IEEE single-precision variable.  This function
    accepts an IEEE radian argument and returns the trigonometric cosine

    Return tangent of IEEE single-precision variable.  This function
    accepts an IEEE radian argument and returns the trigonometric tangent

IEEESPSincos() FLOAT IEEESPSincos( FLOAT *cosptr, FLOAT parm );
    Return sine and cosine of IEEE single-precision variable.  This
    function accepts an IEEE radian argument and returns the
    trigonometric sine as its result and the cosine in the first

    Return hyperbolic sine of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return hyperbolic cosine of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return hyperbolic tangent of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return e to the IEEE variable power.  This function accept an IEEE
    single-precision argument and returns the result representing the
    value of e (2.712828...) raised to that power.

    Convert IEEE single-precision number to IEEE single-precision number.
    The only purpose of this function is to provide consistency with the
    double-precision math IEEE library.

    Return natural log (base e of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return log (base 10) of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Return IEEE single-precision arg2 to IEEE single-precision arg1.

    Return square root of IEEE single-precision variable.

    Convert IEEE single-precision number to IEEE single-precision number.
    The only purpose of this function is to provide consistency with the
    double-precision math IEEE library.

Be sure to include the proper data type definitions as shown below.


The section below describes the Amiga assembly interface to the IEEE
single-precision transcendental math library.  The access mechanism from
assembly language is:

        MOVEA.L _MathIeeeSingTransBase,A6
        JSR     _LVOIEEESPAsin(A6)

|                                                                         |
|               SP IEEE Transcendental Assembly Functions                 |
|                                                                         |
| Function           Input              Output            Condition Codes |
|                  |                  |                     |             |
| _LVOIEEESPAsin   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE arcsine     | N=undefined |
|                  |                  |    radian           | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPAcos   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE arccosine   | N=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |    radian           | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPAtan   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE arctangent  | N=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |    radian           | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPSin    | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE sine        | N=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |                     | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPCos    | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE cosine      | N=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |                     | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPTan    | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE tangent     | N=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |                     | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPSincos | A0=Addr to store | D0=IEEE sine        | N=undefined |
|                  |    cosine result | (A0)=IEEE cosine    | Z=undefined |
|                  | D0=IEEE arg      |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPSinh   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE hyperbolic  | N=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |    sine             | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPCosh   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE hyperbolic  | N=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |    cosine           | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPTanh   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE hyperbolic  | N=undefined |
|                  |    in radians    |    tangent          | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPExp    | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE exponential | N=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPLog    | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE natural     | N=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |    logarithm        | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPLog10  | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE logarithm   | N=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |    (base 10)        | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |
| _LVOIEEESPPow    | D0=IEEE          | D0=IEEE result of   | N=undefined |
|                  |   exponent value |    arg taken to     | Z=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |    exp power        | V=undefined |
|                  | D1=IEEE          |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |    arg value     |                     | X=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     |             |
| _LVOIEEESPSqrt   | D0=IEEE arg      | D0=IEEE square root | N=undefined |
|                  | single-precision |                     | Z=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | V=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | C=undefined |
|                  |                  |                     | X=undefined |

35 Math Libraries / IEEE Double-Precision Data Format

The IEEE double-precision variables are defined as 64-bit entities with
the following format:

        |                                              |
        | 63          55          47          39       |

        |                                              |
        | 31          23          15          7        |

    Hidden Bit In The Mantissa.
    There is a "hidden" bit in the mantissa part of the IEEE numbers.
    Since all numbers are normalized, the integer (high) bit of the
    mantissa is dropped off.  The IEEE double-precision range is 2.2E-308
    (4.9E-324 de-normalized) to 1.8E+307.

The exponent is the power of two needed to correctly position the mantissa
to reflect the number's true arithmetic value.  If both the exponent and
the mantissa have zero in every position, the value is zero.  If only the
exponent has zero in every position, the value is an unnormal (extremely
small).  If all bits of the exponent are set to 1 the value is either a
positive or negative infinity or a Not a Number (NaN).  NaN is sometimes
used to indicate an uninitialized variable.

35 Math Libraries / IEEE Double-Precision Basic Math Library

The IEEE double-precision basic math library contains entries for the
basic IEEE mathematics functions, such as add, subtract, and divide. This
library resides on disk and is opened by calling OpenLibrary() with
"mathieeedoubbas.library" as the argument.  Do not share the library base
pointer between tasks -- see note at beginning of chapter for details.



    struct Library *MathIeeeDoubBasBase;

    VOID main()
        /* do not share base pointer between tasks. */
    if (MathIeeeDoubBasBase = OpenLibrary("mathieeedoubbas.library", 34))
               . . .

    else printf("Can't open mathieeedoubbas.library\n");

The global variable MathIeeeDoubBasBase is used internally for all future
library references.

If an 680X0/68881/68882 processor combination is available, it will be
used by the IEEE basic library instead of the software emulation.  Also,
if an autoconfigured math resource is available, that will be used.
Typically this is a 68881 designed as a 16 bit I/O port, but it could be
another device as well.

 DP IEEE Basic Functions 

35 /IEEE Double-Precision Basic Math Library / DP IEEE Basic Functions

    Take absolute value of IEEE double-precision variable.

IEEEDPAdd()    DOUBLE IEEEDPAdd( DOUBLE leftParm, DOUBLE rightParm );
    Add two IEEE double-precision variables.

    Compute least integer greater than or equal to variable.

IEEEDPCmp()    LONG IEEEDPCmp( DOUBLE leftParm, DOUBLE rightParm );
    Compare two IEEE double-precision variables.

IEEEDPDiv()    DOUBLE IEEEDPDiv( DOUBLE dividend, DOUBLE divisor );
    Divide two IEEE double-precision variables.

    Convert IEEE double-precision  variable to integer.

    Compute largest integer less than or equal to variable.

IEEEDPFlt()    DOUBLE IEEEDPFlt( long integer );
    Convert integer variable to IEEE double-precision.

IEEEDPMul()    DOUBLE IEEEDPMul( DOUBLE factor1, DOUBLE factor2 );
    Multiply two IEEE double-precision variables.

    Take two's complement of IEEE double-precision variable.

IEEEDPSub()    DOUBLE IEEEDPSub( DOUBLE leftParm, DOUBLE rightParm );
    Subtract two IEEE double-precision variables.

    Test an IEEE double-precision variable against zero.

Be sure to include proper data type definitions, as shown in the example


The Amiga assembly language interface to the IEEE double-precision
floating-point basic math routines is shown below, including some details
about how the system flags are affected by each operation.  The access
mechanism from assembly language is:

        MOVEA.L _MathIeeeDoubBasBase,A6
        JSR     _LVOIEEEDPFix(A6)

|                                                                         |
|                    DP IEEE Basic Assembly Functions                     |
|                                                                         |
| Function          Input              Output             Condition Codes |
|                 |                  |                    |               |
| _LVOIEEEDPFix   | D0/D1=IEEE arg   | D0=Integer         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | (two's complement) | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPFl    | D0=Integer arg   | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 |     (two's       | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |   complement)    |                    | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPCmp   | D0/D1=IEEE arg1  | D0=+1 if arg1>arg2 | N=1 if result |
|                 | double-precision | D0=-1 if arg1arg1  |
|                 |                  |                    | GE=arg2>=arg1 |
|                 |                  |                    | EQ=arg2=arg1  |
|                 |                  |                    | NE=arg2<>arg1 |
|                 |                  |                    | LT=arg20.0   | N=1 if result |
|                 | double-precision | D0=-1 if arg<0.0   |   is negative |
|                 |                  | D0=0 if arg=0.0    | Z=1 if result |
|                 |                  |                    |     is zero   |
|                 |                  |                    | V=0           |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | EQ=arg=0.0    |
|                 |                  |                    | NE=arg<>0.0   |
|                 |                  |                    | PL=arg>=0.0   |
|                 |                  |                    | MI=arg<0.0    |
| _LVOIEEEDPAbs   | D0/D1=IEEE arg   | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | absolute value     | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPNeg   | D0/D1=IEEE arg   | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | negated            | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPAdd   | D0/D1=IEEE arg1  | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | addition of        | V=undefined   |
|                 | D2/D3=IEEE arg2  | arg1+arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPSub   | D0/D1=IEEE arg1  | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | subtraction of     | V=undefined   |
|                 | D2/D3=IEEE arg2  | arg1-arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPMul   | D0/D1=IEEE arg1  | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | multiplication of  | V=undefined   |
|                 | D2/D3=IEEE arg2  | arg1*arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPDiv   | D0/D1=IEEE arg1  | D0/D1=IEEE         | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision | double-precision   | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | division of        | V=undefined   |
|                 | D2/D3=IEEE arg2  | arg1/arg2          | C=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPCeil  | D0/D1=IEEE arg   | D0/D1=least        | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision |       integer      | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | >= arg             | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |
| _LVOIEEEDPFloor | D0/D1=IEEE arg   | D0/D1=largest      | N=undefined   |
|                 | double-precision |       integer      | Z=undefined   |
|                 |                  | <= arg             | V=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | C=undefined   |
|                 |                  |                    | X=undefined   |

35 Math Libraries / IEEE Double-Precision Transcendental Math Library

The IEEE double-precision transcendental math library contains entries for
the transcendental math functions such as sine, cosine, and square root.
The library resides on disk and is opened by calling OpenLibrary() with
"mathieeedoubtrans.library" as the argument. Do not share the library base
pointer between tasks -- see note at beginning of chapter for details.



   struct Library *MathIeeeDoubTransBase;

   VOID main()
   if (MathIeeeDoubTransBase = OpenLibrary("mathieeedoubtrans.library",34))
              . . .

   else printf("Can't open mathieeedoubtrans.library\n");

The global variable MathIeeeDoubTransBase is used internally for all
future library references.

The IEEE double-precision transcendental math library is dependent upon
the IEEE double-precision basic math library, which it will open if it is
not open already.  If you want to use the IEEE double-precision basic math
functions in conjunction with the transcendental math functions however,
you have to specifically open the basic math library yourself.

Just as the IEEE double-precision basic math library, the IEEE
double-precision transcendental math library will take advantage of a
680X0/68881 combination or another math resource, if present.

 DP IEEE Transcendental Functions 

35 / / DP IEEE Transcendental Functions

    Return arcsine of IEEE variable.

    Return arccosine of IEEE variable.

    Return arctangent of IEEE variable.

    Return sine of IEEE variable.  This function accepts an IEEE radian
    argument and returns the trigonometric sine value.

    Return cosine of IEEE variable.  This function accepts an IEEE radian
    argument and returns the trigonometric cosine value.

    Return tangent of IEEE variable.  This function accepts an IEEE
    radian argument and returns the trigonometric tangent value.

    Return sine and cosine of IEEE variable.  This function accepts an
    IEEE radian argument and returns the trigonometric sine as its result
    and the trigonometric cosine in the first parameter.

    Return hyperbolic sine of IEEE variable.

    Return hyperbolic cosine of IEEE variable.

    Return hyperbolic tangent of IEEE variable.

    Return e to the IEEE variable power.  This function accept an IEEE
    argument and returns the result representing the value of e
    (2.712828...) raised to that power.

IEEEDPFieee()  DOUBLE IEEEDPFieee( FLOAT single );
    Convert IEEE single-precision number to IEEE double-precision number.

    Return natural log (base e of IEEE variable.

    Return log (base 10) of IEEE variable.

    Return IEEE arg2 to IEEE arg1.

    Return square root of IEEE variable.

    Convert IEEE double-precision number to IEEE single-precision number.

Be sure to include proper data type definitions as shown below.


The section below describes the Amiga assembly interface to the IEEE
double-precision transcendental math library.  The access mechanism from
assembly language is:

        MOVEA.L _MathIeeeDoubTransBase,A6
        JSR     _LVOIEEEDPAsin(A6)

 |                                                                       |
 |             DP IEEE Transcendental Assembly Functions                 |
 |                                                                       |
 | Function           Input            Output            Condition Codes |
 |                  |                |                     |             |
 | _LVOIEEEDPAsin   | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | arcsine radian      | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPAcos   | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | arccosine radian    | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPAtan   | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | arctangent radian   | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPSin    | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE sine     | N=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   |                     | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPCos    | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE cosine   | N=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   |                     | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPTan    | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE tangent  | N=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   |                     | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPSincos | A0=Address to  | D0/D1=IEEE sine     | N=undefined |
 |                  |   store cosine | (A0)=IEEE cosine    | Z=undefined |
 |                  |   result       |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  | D0/D1=IEEE arg |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPSin    | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   | hyperbolic sine     | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPCosh   | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   | hyperbolic cosine   | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPTanh   | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |   in radians   | hyperbolic tangent  | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPExp    | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | exponential         | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPLog    | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE natural  | N=undefined |
 |                  |                |  logarithm          | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPLog10  | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | logarithm           | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                | (base 10)           | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPPow    | D0/D1=IEEE exp | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  | D2/D3=IEEE arg | of arg taken to     | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                | exp power           | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPSqrt   | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0/D1=IEEE          | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | square root         | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |
 | _LVOIEEEDPTieee  | D0/D1=IEEE arg | D0=single-precision | N=undefined |
 |                  |                | IEEE floating-point | Z=undefined |
 |                  |                | format              | V=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | C=undefined |
 |                  |                |                     | X=undefined |

35 Math Libraries / Function Reference

Here's a brief summary of the functions covered in this chapter.  Refer to
the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for
additional information.

 |                                                                       |
 |                          FFP Basic Functions                          |
 |    SPAbs()  Take absolute value of FFP variable                       |
 |    SPAdd()  Add two FFP variables                                     |
 |   SPCeil()  Compute least integer greater than or equal to variable.  |
 |    SPCmp()  Compare two FFP variables                                 |
 |    SPDiv()  Divide two FFP variables                                  |
 |    SPFix()  Convert FFP variable to integer                           |
 |  SPFloor()  Computer largest integer less than or equal to variable.  |
 |    SPFlt()  Convert integer variable to FFP                           |
 |    SPMul()  Multiply two FFP variables                                |
 |    SPNeg()  Take two's complement of FFP variable                     |
 |    SPSub()  Subtract two FFP variables                                |
 |    SPTst()  Test an FFP variable against zero                         |

 |                                                                       |
 |                      FFP Transcendental Functions                     |
 |       SPAcos()  Return arccosine of FFP variable.                     |
 |       SPAsin()  Return arcsine of FFP variable.                       |
 |       SPAtan()  Return arctangent of FFP variable.                    |
 |        SPCos()  Return cosine of FFP variable.                        |
 |       SPCosh()  Return hyperbolic cosine of FFP variable.             |
 |        SPExp()  Return e to the FFP variable power.                   |
 |      SPFieee()  Convert IEEE variable to FFP format.                  |
 |        SPLog()  Return natural log (base e) of FFP variable.          |
 |      SPLog10()  Return log (base 10) of FFP variable.                 |
 |        SPPow()  Return FFP arg2 to FFP arg1.                          |
 |        SPSin()  Return sine of FFP variable.                          |
 |     SPSincos()  Return sine and cosine of FFP variable.               |
 |       SPSinh()  Return hyperbolic sine of FFP variable.               |
 |       SPSqrt()  Return square root of FFP variable.                   |
 |        SPTan()  Return tangent of FFP variable.                       |
 |       SPTanh()  Return hyperbolic tangent of FFP variable.            |
 |      SPTieee()  Convert FFP variable to IEEE format                   |

 |                                                                       |
 |                        Math Support Functions                         |
 |      afp()  Convert ASCII string into FFP equivalent.                 |
 |      fpa()  Convert FFP variable into ASCII equivalent.               |
 |     arnd()  Round ASCII representation of FFP number.                 |
 |      dbf()  Convert FFP dual-binary number to FFP equivalent.         |

 |                                                                       |
 |                    SP IEEE Basic Functions (V36)                      |
 |   IEEESPAbs()  Take absolute value of IEEE single-precision variable. |
 |   IEEESPAdd()  Add two IEEE single-precision variables.               |
 |  IEEESPCeil()  Compute least integer greater than or equal to         |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEESPCmp()  Compare two IEEE single-precision variables.           |
 |   IEEESPDiv()  Divide two IEEE single-precision variables.            |
 |   IEEESPFix()  Convert IEEE single-precision  variable to integer.    |
 | IEEESPFloor()  Compute largest integer less than or equal to          |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEESPFlt()  Convert integer variable to IEEE single-precision.     |
 |   IEEESPMul()  Multiply two IEEE single-precision variables.          |
 |   IEEESPNeg()  Take two's complement of IEEE single-precision         |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEESPSub()  Subtract two IEEE single-precision variables.          |
 |   IEEESPTst()  Test an IEEE single-precision variable against zero.   |

 |                                                                       |
 |                SP IEEE Transcendental Functions (V36)                 |
 |   IEEESPACos()  Return arccosine of IEEE single-precision variable.   |
 |   IEEESPASin()  Return arcsine of IEEE single-precision variable.     |
 |   IEEESPAtan()  Return arctangent of IEEE single-precision variable.  |
 |    IEEESPCos()  Return cosine of IEEE single-precision variable.      |
 |   IEEESPCosh()  Return hyperbolic cosine of IEEE single-precision     |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |    IEEESPExp()  Return e to the IEEE variable power.                  |
 |    IEEESPLog()  Return natural log (base e of IEEE single-precision   |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |  IEEESPLog10()  Return log (base 10) of IEEE single-precision         |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |    IEEESPPow()  Return power of IEEE single-precision variable.       |
 |    IEEESPSin()  Return sine of IEEE single-precision variable.        |
 | IEEESPSincos()  Return sine and cosine of IEEE single-precision       |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |   IEEESPSinh()  Return hyperbolic sine of IEEE single-precision       |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEESPSqrt()  Return square root of IEEE single-precision variable. |
 |    IEEESPTan()  Return tangent of IEEE single-precision variable.     |
 |   IEEESPTanh()  Return hyperbolic tangent of IEEE single-precision    |
 |                 variable.                                             |

 |                                                                       |
 |                       DP IEEE Basic Functions                         |
 |   IEEEDPAbs()  Take absolute value of IEEE double-precision variable. |
 |   IEEEDPAdd()  Add two IEEE double-precision variables.               |
 |  IEEEDPCeil()  Compute least integer greater than or equal to         |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEEDPCmp()  Compare two IEEE double-precision variables.           |
 |   IEEEDPDiv()  Divide two IEEE double-precision variables.            |
 |   IEEEDPFix()  Convert IEEE double-precision  variable to integer.    |
 | IEEEDPFloor()  Compute largest integer less than or equal to          |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEEDPFlt()  Convert integer variable to IEEE double-precision.     |
 |   IEEEDPMul()  Multiply two IEEE double-precision variables.          |
 |   IEEEDPNeg()  Take two's complement of IEEE double-precision         |
 |                variable.                                              |
 |   IEEEDPSub()  Subtract two IEEE single-precision variables.          |
 |   IEEEDPTst()  Test an IEEE double-precision variable against zero.   |

 |                                                                       |
 |                   DP IEEE Transcendental Functions                    |
 |   IEEEDPACos()  Return arccosine of IEEE double-precision variable.   |
 |   IEEEDPASin()  Return arcsine of IEEE double-precision variable.     |
 |   IEEEDPAtan()  Return arctangent of IEEE double-precision variable.  |
 |    IEEEDPCos()  Return cosine of IEEE double-precision variable.      |
 |   IEEEDPCosh()  Return hyperbolic cosine of IEEE double-precision     |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |    IEEEDPExp()  Return e to the IEEE variable power.                  |
 |  IEEEDPFieee()  Convert IEEE single-precision number to IEEE          |
 |                 double-precision number.                              |
 |    IEEEDPLog()  Return natural log (base e of IEEE double-precision   |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |  IEEEDPLog10()  Return log (base 10) of IEEE double-precision         |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |    IEEEDPPow()  Return power of IEEE double-precision variable.       |
 |    IEEEDPSin()  Return sine of IEEE double-precision variable.        |
 | IEEEDPSincos()  Return sine and cosine of IEEE double-precision       |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |   IEEEDPSinh()  Return hyperbolic sine of IEEE double-precision       |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |   IEEEDPSqrt()  Return square root of IEEE double-precision variable. |
 |    IEEEDPTan()  Return tangent of IEEE double-precision variable.     |
 |   IEEEDPTanh()  Return hyperbolic tangent of IEEE double-precision    |
 |                 variable.                                             |
 |  IEEEDPTieee()  Convert IEEE double-precision number to IEEE          |
 |                 single-precision number.                              |

35 Math Libraries / Compile and Link Commands for SAS C 5.10

FFP Basic, Transcendental and Math Support functions
    lc -b1 -cfistq -ff -v -y .c
    blink lib:c.o + .o TO
         LIB lib:lcmffp.lib + lib:lc.lib + lib:amiga.lib

IEEE Single-Precision and Double-Precision Basic and Transcendental
    lc -b1 -cfistq -fi -v -y .c
    blink lib:c.o + .o TO
          LIB lib:lcmieee.lib + lib:lc.lib + lib:amiga.lib

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